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The Valvoline Company Page 0 0 1 Date P r e ~ a r e d : 01/14/02 Date ~ r i h t e d : 01)28)05 MSDS No: 503.0253095-002.014 PYROIL NON- CHLOR RAKE PARTS CLNR 1/54 G 1 . CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Material Identity Product Name: PYROIL NON-CHLOR BRAKE PARTS CLNR 1/54 G SAP Material No: PY400354 General o r Generic ID: AUTOMOTIVE CHEMICAL - c he Valvoline Company P.O. Box 14000 Lexington, KY 40512 Telephone Numbers Emergency : 1-800-274-5263 Information: 1-859-357-7206 2 . COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGR Ingredient ( s ) CAS Number % (by volume) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -----"------- ------------- TOLUENE METHYL ALCOHOL ALIPHATIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATES -- - 3 . HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Potential Health Effects Eye Can cause eye i r r i t a t i o n . Additional symptoms of eye exposure may include: b lu r red v i s i o n . Skin May cause mild skin i r r i t a t i o n . Prolonged o r repeated contac t may dry and crack t h e s k i n . Swallowing Swallowin small amounts of t h i s mater ia l during normal handlin i s no t l ike ly f t o cause karmful e f f e c t s . Swallowing l a rge amounts may be harm u l . This ma te r i a l can g e t i n t o t h e lungs dur ing swallowing o r vomiting. This r e s u l t s i n lung inflammation and other lung i n j u r y . Inhalation Breathing of vapor o r m i s t i s poss ib le . Symptoms of Exposure stomach o r i n t e s t i n a l upset (nausea, vomiting, d ia r rhea ) , i r r i t a t i o n (nose, t h r o a t , a i rways) , cen t ra l nervous system depression (d izz iness , drowsiness, weakness, f a t i g u e , nausea, headache, unconsciousness), and death . Target Organ Effects Overexposure t o t h i s material ( o r i t s components) has been suggested a s a cause of t h e fol lowing e f f e c t s i n labora tory animals, and may aggravate p reex i s t ing d i so rde r s of these organs i n humans: l i v e r abnormali t ies , anemia, spleen damage, nervous system damage, eye damage, kidney damage, lung damage, bra in damage, e f f e c t s on hearing, c e n t r a l nervous system damage, Overexposure t o t h i s ma te r i a l ( o r i t s components) has been suggested a s a cause of t h e following e f f e c t s i n humans, and may aggravate p reex i s t ing d isorders of t h e s e organs: l i v e r abnormal i t ies , eye damage, v i s u a l impairment. Continued on next page