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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET T'h e Vslvclin e Company Page Oc71 !-J:it e ?J;3'>6Le,;: i - , ' 13 , : 9 , Gate Printed: i$13/9, MSDS No: 503.0328421-C31.001 F W%c:lZi TBC13B TBC-13B THROT BOD BONUS 12-15.6 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION k!xterlai Identity Product Name: PYROIL TBC-13E THROT BGD BONUS i2-15.6 Produc t Code: Bi3350023 General . ,o r Generi c IC : CARBtiRETOR CLEANER 'rzlephon c PiiHiiberS 1_8i);.J_27$_5263 Emergency: Information : l-606-357-7847 2. C0M)3pOSITION,/ZNFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Ingredient(s ) CAS Number Z (by weightj _____^I____________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___-________ _ _____________ XYLFNE 1330-20- 7 45.3 - 45.0 XETHYL ALCGHOL 67-56- 1 30.0 - 30.0 ACETONE 67-64- l 17.0 - 27.0 CJ{i;BiZ* N gI:JyI_Q E 124-38- 3 l.r) - 8.9 _A* ILiil- J ;l:qz.4,.;:; " . : : I c i,J(J_&i_f+ i 9 .\I 8 _ 9.2 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Yo tentia! Yen1 th Ef-fects Eye Can cause ey2 irritatlzn . Symptoms includ e stinging , tearing , rednes:s 4 svellin g of eyes. Additiona i symptoms of eye exposur e may 1:;clude: bi,;;;"i;d r'l-slon Skin May cause mil d ski n irritation. skin. Prolonge d or repeate d contac t may dr the Symptoms may includ e redness , buring , dryin g and crackin g of s %* ski n burns in , and SNaIlowing Swa Ilo~zin t o cac;s e iarmfu l effects. small amounts of thi s materia l durin g normal handli n i s net likely Swallowin g larg e amounts may be harm ul . 9 This materia l can enter th e lungs durin g swallowin g or vomitin g and cause lung inflammatio n and/o r damage. Inhalation Breathin g of vapor or mist i s possible. symptons of EXF0SUTf? stomach or intestina l unset (nausea , vomiting , diarrheaj , irritatio n (nose, throat , airways) , centra l nervous syste m depressio n (dizziness , drowsi;:ess, weakness, fatigue , nausea, headache, unconsciousness) , and death. Target Organ Effects ?verexposur e tr , thi s materia l (o r it s components) has been suggeste d as a cause of th e followin g effect s i n iaborator y animals , and may aonravat e pre-c?xisting disorders-o f thes e organs in humans: damage, live r dbnorma?itiesT"anemia , spleen nervous syste m damage, eye damage, kidne y damage damage, Overexposur e t o thi s materia l (o r its a cause of th e following d;.sord?r s of thes e organs: :I;un&iurj . un