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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Fage 001 Date IkeDared: Blj14/02 Date P&ted: 02/04/03 MSDS No: . 503 0278955-001.012 ccmpany PYWLG11 Te1ephone umbers The Waivsline P.0. Box 14000 Company Emergency: l-800-274-5263 Lexington, KY 40512 Information: 1-859-357-7204 2 I fngredientfsj HEPTANE 342-82-5 77.0- 87.0 CARBON DIOXIDE 924-38-9 o.o- 8.0 efe Can Cause eye irritation. blurred vision Additio,r;,aZ symptoms of eye expssure may include: May cause mild skin- irritation. crrzck the skin. Prcllonged or repeated contact may dry and swa11oHing Swalluwin ts cause a small amounts armful effects. of this materFai during normal handlinp Js not likely This material caTs, get into the Swal?owing large amounts may be harmS_.A lungs during swallowkng or vomiting. This resuZts Jn lung inflammation and other l-xxg injury. Breathing of vapor or mist Js possible. stomach or intestinal upset (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea!, irritation (nose, throat, airways), central nervuus system depressJon (dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, headache, unconsciousness), as;?*d death* Overexposure to this material (or its components) has been suggested as a czu_~se of the following effects in laboratory animals, disorders of these organs in humans: and may aggravate preexFsting system damage. effects on hearing, central rrervous