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19354954 Lacquer Touch-Up Paint, Arrival Blue Met
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page 1 of 4 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET (Certified Product Data Sheet) 04 00 [1214] Date of Preparation Apr 30, 2024 PRODUCT NUMBER 19354954 PRODUCT NAME ACDelco? Lacquer Touch-Up Paint, Arrival Blue Met (91 WA 815K) MANUFACTURER'S NAME DISTRIBUTED BY Distributed by ACDelco 300 Renaissance Center Detroit, MI 48265 1-800-223-3526 Manufactured by THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY 101 W. Prospect Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 This document includes all data required by 40 CFR 63.801(a) for a Certified Product Data Sheet under criteria specified in 40 CFR 63.805(a). All data given below are MAXIMUM THEORETICAL VALUES based on the product AS CURRENTLY FORMULATED and rely on information provided to us by our raw material suppliers.?Our suppliers often provide an estimated value or range less than a certain upper limit.? We calculate MAXIMUM THEORETICAL VALUES using defined values, if provided, or the upper limit reported by our supplier. Additionally, the suppliers? information may include amounts present in the product as unintentional byproducts or impurities.??Variations may occur in individual batches due to adjustments made during production. Hazard Category (for SARA 311.312) 19354954 = | Acute | Chronic | Fire | Product Weight 6.72 lb/gal Specific Gravity 0.81 FLASH POINT -20 ?F PMCC Volatile Ingredients Chemical / Compound SARA 302 EHS CERCLA SARA 313 TC HAPS 112 % by Weight % by Volume Propane 74-98-6 N N N N 10 16 Butane 106-97-8 N N N N 10 14 Toluene 108-88-3 N Y Y Y 8 8 Ethanol 64-17-5 N N N N 2 2 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 78-93-3 N Y N N 7 7 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 N N N N 44 38 Ethyl Acetate 141-78-6 N Y N N 1 1 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol Acetate 108-65-6 N N N N 6 5 Non-Volatile Ingredients Chemical / Compound SARA 302 EHS CERCLA SARA 313 TC HAPS 112 % by Weight % by Volume Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 N Y Y Y 0.0000002 0.0000001 19354954 page 2 of 4 Volatile Organic Compounds - U.S. EPA / Canada 19354954 LB/Gal g/L Coating Density 6.72 805 By wt By vol Total Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% Federally exempt solvents Water 0.0% 0.0% Methyl Acetate 44.0% 38.4% Organic Volatiles 46.7% 55.4% Percent Non-Volatile 9.3% 6.2% VOC Content LB/Gal g/L Total 3.13 375 Less exempt solvents 5.08 609 Of solids 50.24 6020 Of solids 4.99 lb/lb 4.99 kg/kg By wt By wt LVP-VOC 46.7% Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR) (per US EPA Aerosol Ctg Rule, MIR Values 2009) 0.83 Volatile Organic Compounds - California 19354954 LB/Gal g/L Coating Density 6.72 805 By wt By vol Total Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% Exempt solvents Water 0.0% 0.0% Methyl Acetate 44.0% 38.4% Organic Volatiles 46.7% 55.4% Percent Non-Volatile 9.3% 6.2% VOC Content LB/Gal g/L Total 3.13 375 Less exempt solvents 5.08 609 Of solids 50.24 6020 Of solids 4.99 lb/lb 4.99 kg/kg By wt By wt LVP-VOC 46.7% Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR) (per California Air Resources Board Aerosol Products Regulation, MIR Values 2010) 0.81 19354954 page 3 of 4 Volatile Organic Compounds - South Coast Air Quality Management District, California, US 19354954 LB/Gal g/L Coating Density 6.72 805 By wt By vol Total Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% Exempt solvents Water 0.0% 0.0% Methyl Acetate 44.0% 38.4% Organic Volatiles 46.7% 55.4% Percent Non-Volatile 9.3% 6.2% VOC Content LB/Gal g/L Total 3.13 375 Less exempt solvents 5.08 609 Of solids 50.24 6020 Of solids 4.99 lb/lb 4.99 kg/kg Volatile Organic Compounds - EU Directive 2004/42/EC 19354954 By wt By vol Total Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% VOC Content LB/Gal g/L Total 6.09 730 Volatile Organic Compounds - EU Directive 2010/75/EU 19354954 By wt By vol Total Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% VOC Content LB/Gal g/L Total 6.09 730 Volatile Organic Compounds - Mexico 19354954 LB/Gal g/L Coating Density 6.72 805 By wt By vol Total Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% Exempt solvents Water 0.0% 0.0% Organic Volatiles 90.7% 93.8% Percent Non-Volatile 9.3% 6.2% VOC Content LB/Gal g/L Total 6.09 730 Less exempt solvents 6.09 730 Of solids 97.62 11697 Of solids 9.70 lb/lb 9.70 kg/kg 19354954 page 4 of 4 Hazardous Air Pollutants (Clean Air Act, Section 112(b)) 19354954 LB/Gal kg/L Volatile HAPS 0.55 0.066 Of solids 8.88 1.064 Of solids 0.88 lb/lb 0.88 kg/kg Air Quality Data Density of Organic Solvent Blend 6.50 lb/gal Photochemically Reactive No Waste Disposal Waste from this product may be hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Waste must be tested for ignitability to determine the applicable EPA hazardous waste numbers. The addition of any material to this product can change the composition, hazards and risks of the product and may substantially alter the above data. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET (Certified Product Data Sheet) Volatile Organic Compounds - U.S. EPA / Canada Volatile Organic Compounds - California Volatile Organic Compounds - South Coast Air Quality Management District, California, US Volatile Organic Compounds - EU Directive 2004/42/EC Volatile Organic Compounds - EU Directive 2010/75/EU Volatile Organic Compounds - Mexico Hazardous Air Pollutants (Clean Air Act, Section 112(b)) Air Quality Data Waste Disposal