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B-7 c Dat e 0fPrepamtion : 10/29/99 Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company identification -___ Product Name: B-7 CHEMSEAL TRANSMISSION SEALER/CONDITIONER Part Number(s): 0701 0705 0712 0755 CAS Number: NOT APPLICABLE TO MLXTURES Product Class: Automotive product M~ufac~rer: Berryman Products, Inc., 3800 E. Raudol Mill Rd., Arlington, TX 7601 I-5434 Information Phone No.: l-800-433-1704 Emergency Phone No.: l-800-535-5053 _I_- ______ ____-. ____ -_____ Section 2 - Composition / Information on Ingredients Ingredient Name MIXED TRI-ARYL PHOSPHATE TEZREPHTHALATE ESTER 2-BUTOXYETHANOL CAS Number Mixture 6422-86-2 11 l-76-2 % wt 30-40 15-20 <5 Ingredient OSEA TWA ACGIH ACGIFI TWA STEL MIXED ?IXI-myL PHOSPHAT E Not establishe d Not establishe d Not established -- PUPAT E ESTE R Not establishe d Not establishe d Not established 20 _ Z-BUTOXYETHANO L 50 NA _..- Section 3 - Physical and Chemical Properties Physical State: LIQUID Appearance and Odor: CLEAR, RED, MILD Vapor Density (Air=l): HEAVIER THAN AIR Specific Gravity (@ 20 ?C): 0.967 Density: 8.06 lbs/gal Boiling Range: 400-500 OF Refractive Index (@ 25 ?C): 1.4920 % Volatile: 200 ?F Flash Point Method: CC LEL: Not established Flammability Classification: Class IIIA E~n~shing Media: Carbon dioxide, foam, water spray, dry chemicals. Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards: None known. NFPA 0 2 0 Qc - Special Fire-Fighting Procedures: Do not release runoff from fire control methods to sewers or waterways. Wear self- containe d breathin g apparatu s pressur e demand , MSNA/OSHA (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Section 5 - Stability and Reactivity stability: StabIe. Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. [ncompatibilities & Conditions to Avoid: Isolate from strong oxidizers. Eazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.