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Prod.Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. HMCS ID: 30052586 SUC: 02 - Solvents - Flashpoint < 100 F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision: 06.Jan.2011 Effective: 06.Jan.2011 Print Date: 18.May.2011 Page: 1 of 6 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) External Keys: 10-1051515 Distributable Material (Part #) 1051515 Distributable Material (Part #) Optikleen Primary Tradename - Distributable Material 12377983 Distributable Material (Part #) 12378465 Distributable Material (Part #) MANUFACTURER INFORMATION Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. Address: 4400 S KILDARE AVENUE USA ILLINOIS 60632 CHICAGO MAILING 2 INGREDIENT INFORMATION Synonyms: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Product Code: 10-1051515 FORMULATION Chemical Characterization: Molecular Formula: N/A Molecular Weight: N/A Ingredients: Chemical Name CAS Number Prefix Value Unit Exposure Limits METHANOL 67-56-1 Range 80 - 90 %Wt Yes WATER 7732-18-5 Range 10 - 20 %Wt No 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazards Overview: Miscellaneous: Return to top. Specific Hazards: Target Organs/Primary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Skin, Ingestion, Inhalation. Specific Hazards (Routes Of Exposure): Exposure Routes Exposure Duration Observation Eye contact General Mild irritant.. Skin Contact General Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis, scaling and possible systemic effects. Ingestion General POISON - Oral human lowest lethal dose= 6.4 g/kg. Ingestion General Poisonous, narcotic chemical affecting central nervous system resulting in: dizziness, nausea, visual impairment, narcosis and muscular impairment. Medical Conditions Aggravated By Exposure: Not provided 4 FIRST AID MEASURES First Aid By:: Inhalation Move the exposed person to fresh air at once and call emergency medical care. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give humidified oxygen. Skin Contact If the product contacts the skin, promptly wash the contaminated skin with soap and water for at least 15 Prod.Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. HMCS ID: 30052586 SUC: 02 - Solvents - Flashpoint < 100 F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision: 06.Jan.2011 Effective: 06.Jan.2011 Print Date: 18.May.2011 Page: 2 of 6 4 FIRST AID MEASURES First Aid By:: minutes. If this product penetrates the clothing, promptly remove the clothing and wash the skin with soap and water. Systemic effects may be delayed 18 to 72 hours, therefore keep individual under observation. Eye Contact If the product contacts the eyes, immediately wash the eyes with large quantities of room temperature water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the lower and upper lids. Get medical attention immediately. A follow up visit to an opthalmologist should be made. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with this chemical. Ingestion If this product is ingested and the person is conscious, induce vomiting, then give 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water. DO NOT INDUCE AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON TO VOMIT. Get medical attention immediately. Notes To Physician: No data available. 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: = 52 ?F TOC 11?C Explosive Limits: Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) = 6.0 Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) = 36.5 Autoignition Temperature: Not Available Extinguishing Media: Use halon replacement or carbon dioxide extinguishers or alcohol foam for small fires. Water spray or fog can cool fire but may not be effective in extinguishing fire. Large fires should be extinguished with alcohol foam. Use water spray to cool containers exposed to fire. Containers may explode in heat or fire. Fire and Explosion Hazards: Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Dangerous fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat or flame. Methanol is extremely flammable and forms explosive mixtures with air. Methanol vapors may :ravel considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back. Comment: Wear NIOSH approved SCBA respirator in the positive pressure mode and chemical protective clothing specifically recommended for methanol. 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Recovery: Small Spill: Remove sources of heat or ignition, provide adequate ventilation, contain leak using absorbent, inert, non-combustible material. Large Spill: Contain spill, transfer to secure containers. In the event of an uncontrolled material release, the user should determine if release is reportable under applicable laws and regulations. 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING Safe Handling Procedures: Empty containers contain product residues, assume emptied containers to have same hazards as full containers. STORAGE Storage Conditions: Prod.Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. HMCS ID: 30052586 SUC: 02 - Solvents - Flashpoint < 100 F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision: 06.Jan.2011 Effective: 06.Jan.2011 Print Date: 18.May.2011 Page: 3 of 6 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE Storage Conditions: Product is flammable, keep away from sources of ignition, combustibles, oxidizing materials and acid. Store in an area equipped with automatic sprinklers or f ire extinguishing system. 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Measures: Local Exhaust: Provide local ventilation to maintain exposure levels below recommended exposure limits. Mechanical (General): In confined spaces, mechanical ventilation may be required. EXPOSURE LIMITS Limit Values: Chemical Name CAS Number Type Value Specification Source Memo METHANOL 67-56-1 State- TWA 200ppm - TENNESSEE METHANOL 67-56-1 State- STEL 250ppm - TENNESSEE METHANOL 67-56-1 PEL- TWA 200ppm - OSHA - Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) METHANOL 67-56-1 GM OEG -TWA 200ppm - GM Occupational Exposure Guidelines (OEG) Skin METHANOL 67-56-1 GM OEG -STEL 250ppm - GM Occupational Exposure Guidelines (OEG) Skin METHANOL 67-56-1 TLV- TWA 200ppm - Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) - ACGIH Skin METHANOL 67-56-1 TLV- STEL 250ppm - Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) - ACGIH Skin METHANOL 67-56-1 State- TWA 200ppm - MICHIGAN METHANOL 67-56-1 State- STEL 250ppm - MICHIGAN METHANOL 67-56-1 State- TWA 200ppm - NEW YORK METHANOL 67-56-1 State- STEL 250ppm - NEW YORK PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Eye Protection Use splash proof chemical, safety goggles or appropriate rail-face respirator. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with this chemical. Hand Protection Use natural rubber or neoprene gloves as required. Respiratory Do not use air purifying respirator. Use appropriate NIOSH Prod.Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. HMCS ID: 30052586 SUC: 02 - Solvents - Flashpoint < 100 F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision: 06.Jan.2011 Effective: 06.Jan.2011 Print Date: 18.May.2011 Page: 4 of 6 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Protection approved supplied or self contained respirator. Respirators must be selected based on the airborne levels found in the workplace and must not exceed the working limits of the respirator. Skin Protection If there is a possibility of exposure of an individual's body to methanol, wear Body-covering work clothes to avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Hygiene Measures: Use normal hygiene practices. 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE Color: Blue Odor: Solvent Comment: Liquid PHYSICAL PROPERTIES pH Value: Not Available Changes of State: Boiling Point = 148 ?F 65?C Melting/Freezing Point Not Available Vapor Pressure: = 97 mm Hg Vapor Density: = 1.1 air=1 Evaporation Rate: Not Available Specific Gravity: = 0.0795 Solubility: Water Soluble Viscosity: Not Available VOC: Theoretical VOC (by. vol.) = 0 lb/gal Total Amount Of:: Percent Solid = 0 = 0 Percent Solvent (volume) = 0 Percent Water (volume) Percent Volatile by Weight = 0 Percent Volatile by Volume Range 80 - 90 Prod.Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. HMCS ID: 30052586 SUC: 02 - Solvents - Flashpoint < 100 F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision: 06.Jan.2011 Effective: 06.Jan.2011 Print Date: 18.May.2011 Page: 5 of 6 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY INFORMATION Stability Under Normal Conditions: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Store in a well ventilated place away from sources of ignition, combustibles, oxidizing materials and acid. Incompatible Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, aluminum, zinc, or metals that displace hydrogen, rubber and rubber based coatings, chronic anhydride, lead perchlorate and perchloric acids. Hazardous Polymerization: No HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION Reactions: Type of Reaction Reaction Products Decomposition Hazardous Decomposition Products: Excessive heating and/or incomplete combustion will produce carbon monoxide and toxic vapors such as formaldehyde. 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION OF INGREDIENTS Carcingenicity: This product does not contain any components above de minimus concentrations that are considered carcinogenic by OSHA, IARC or NTP. Comment: No data available. 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICITY Comment: No data available. 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal Information: Dispose of product in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Before attempting clean up, refer to other sections of MSDS for hazard warning information. 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT Shipping Name: Gasoline Additive, N.O.I. DOT Hazard Class: Consumer Commodity, ORM-D DOT UN Code: None Required Comment: IMDG Shipping name: Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities of Class 3.2 (Methanol), PGII. 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION LABELLING Hazard Codes: NFPA Health 1 NFPA Flammability 3 NFPA Reactivity 3 HMIS Health 1 Prod.Name: AC1051515 - Optikleen Windshield Washer Solvent (Part #: 10-1051515) Manufacturer: GOLD EAGLE CO. HMCS ID: 30052586 SUC: 02 - Solvents - Flashpoint < 100 F MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision: 06.Jan.2011 Effective: 06.Jan.2011 Print Date: 18.May.2011 Page: 6 of 6 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION LABELLING Hazard Codes: HMIS Flammability 3 HMIS Reactivity 0 HMIS PPE B NATIONAL REGULATIONS SARA 311/312: Yes SARA 313: Yes Immediate Health: Yes Delayed Health: Yes Fire: Yes Sudden Pressure Release: No Reactive: No Other Regulation: TSCA All ingredients are either on or exempt from the TSCA Inventory. Section 302 None Section 304 None Section 313 Methanol, CAS# 67-56-1, 99.0% CERCLA Section 311(b)(4): Requires discharges of crude oil and petroleum products in any kind or form to waters must immediately be reported to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802. 16 OTHER INFORMATION 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 2 INGREDIENT INFORMATION 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION 16 OTHER INFORMATION