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INFO Document is encrypted MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 5 EFFECTIVE DATE: DATE OF EXPIRATION: SUPERSEDES DATE: COUNTRY USA None None HMIS HAZARD RATINGS 0 1 0 SKIN: EYES: NTP? NO CHEMICAL FAMILY: Blend of Base Mineral Oils and Additives. TRADE NAME: PENTOSIN PENTO SUPER PERFORMANCE III 5W-30 GENERAL USE: Automotive Motor Oil Ingestion may result in nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal irritation, especially in cases of ingestion of large quantities . Vomiting and subsequent aspiration of product into the lungs may lead to pneumonitis. OSHA REGULATED? NO SECTION 1 - PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Brown colored liquid with product specific odor. SECTION 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ACUTE EXPOSURE EFFECTS HEALTH: FLAMMABILITY: PHYSICAL HAZARD: 0 = INSIGNIFICANT, 1 = SLIGHT, 2 = MODERATE 3 = HIGH, 4 = EXTREME * - CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD HMIS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT LETTER: B Wear safety glasses and impervious gloves. See Section 8 for details on Personal Protective Equipment. CHEMTEL 24-HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS 35 Commerce Drive ADDRESS (NUMBER, STREET, P.O. BOX) North America (Toll Free) International and Local Calls 813-248-05851-800-255-3924 Cranbury NJ 08512 PRODUCT NAME: PENTOSIN PENTO SUPER PERFORMANCE III 5W-30 609-578-4100 PRODUCT NUMBER: MANUFACTURED FOR CRP Industries January 10, 2014 New Issue TELEPHONE NUMBER (General Inquiries) Tearing, redness and pain may occur; chemical conjunctivitis may result, especially in cases where the eyes are not promptly rinsed. USA (DOT) CANADA (WHMIS) SYMBOL(S) GHS HAZARD SYMBOLS EMERGENCY OVERVIEW OSHA HAZARDS: None. WHMIS Hazard Classes: None. Possible respiratory irritant. Do not breathe vapors or mists. Do not get in eyes. May irritate skin, especially upon prolonged contact; Avoid contact with skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. (CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE) January 11, 2011 ESIS NOTATION?CALIFORNIA, Prop.65? None Irritation of the respiratory tract may occur from inhalation of product mists, especially with prolonged exposure. Synthetic lubricant oil content can produce chemical pneumonitis. CARCINOGENICITY: Irritation and itching may occur and prolonged contact may cause dermatitis. The problem may be exacerbated by liquid becoming trapped against the skin by contaminated clothing and shoes; skin absorption can occur in these cases. INGESTION: INHALATION: NO IARC MONOGRAPHS? NO POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS CHRONIC EXPOSURE EFFECTS Dermatitis may occur from chronic or prolonged skin exposure. Eye irritation may occur with chronic/prolonged eye exposure to product. NO REQUIRED PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 2 of 5 PRODUCT NAME: PENTOSIN PENTO SUPER PERFORMANCE III 5W-30 PRODUCT NUMBER: EYES: SKIN: 0.9% 7% % (by Weight) CAS #Hazardous Components SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES SECTION 3 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS NOTES: This Material Safety Data Sheet is prepared to comply with the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Hazard symbols and risk phrases are based on maximum listed concentration of each hazardous ingredient. Unlisted ingredients are not "hazardous" per the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) or the Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and are considered trade secrets under relevant US and Canadian Federal Laws. UPPER: 478?F / 248?C AUTO-IGNITION TEMPERATURE: NE LOWER: SENSITIVITY TO MECHANICAL IMPACT/ STATIC DISCHARGE: None GENERAL HAZARDS: Product containers will rupture and leak from heat; released product will pose a slip and fall hazard to fire-fighting personnel. Use water spray or fog to cool fire-exposed containers where runoff control is implemented. Choose extinguishing media with respect to total fire hazard; avoid water streams as this will spread fire. Carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrocarbon compounds, smoke, soot, fumes, - fire conditions only. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Prevent product runoff from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers, or drinking water supply. Firefighters should use protective equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), and should fire based on total fire hazards. Use of water spray or fog to cool fire exposed surfaces and prevent the rupture of containers is acceptable if runoff control is implemented. FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Contact medical authorities immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. If vomiting occurs naturally, have victim lean forward to avoid aspiration of regurgitant. Give 1-2 glasses of water to victim if victim is conscious and able to swallow and seek immediate medical assistance. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Wash contact areas with soap and water. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individual should be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency. Even though initial symptoms from high pressure injection may be minimal or absent, early surgical treatment within the first few hours may significantly reduce the ultimate extent of injury. If heated product causes burns, seek medical assistance. INGESTION: Rinse eyes with cool potable water for 5 minutes, then remove contact lenses if present. Wash for at least 10 more minutes with cool potable water lifting upper and lower lids occasionally. Seek medical attention if irritation persists. Product is minimally combustible at elevated temperatures. Irritating and/or harmful vapors may be emitted under fire conditions. Remove from further exposure. For those providing assistance, avoid exposure to yourself or others. Use adequate respiratory protection. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance. If breathing has stopped, use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. INHALATION: DATA RELATED TO FIRE: FLASH POINT: SUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: FLAMMABLE/EXPLOSIVE LIMITS: HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: UNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: CO2, Dry Chemical, or water spray mists. No hazardous components are listed for this product per OSHA and WHMIS regulations. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 3 of 5 PRODUCT NAME: PENTOSIN PENTO SUPER PERFORMANCE III 5W-30 PRODUCT NUMBER: CAS # FREEZING / MELTING POINT SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE VAPOR PRESSUREAPPEARANCE AND ODOR 0.850 g/cm3 at 20?C, 68?F (ISO 12185) NE SPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER = 1) SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ODOR THRESHOLD Brown colored liquid with product specific odor. VISCOSITY >392?F / >200?C Not required for normal work situations where adequate ventilation is provided. Use NIOSH European EN-149 approved self contained, positive pressure respirators or Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for emergencies and in situations where air may be displaced by vapors. Follow OSHA Std. 29CFR 1910.134. BOILING POINT NA Handling: Prevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard. Wear personal protective equipment. Keep containers tightly closed. Do not store with incompatible materials. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Storage: Do not store in open or unlabelled containers. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Small Spills: Absorb with earth, sand or other noncombustible material and transfer to containers for later disposal. Recover by pumping or with suitable absorbent. Large Spills: Prepare earthen or manufactured dikes ahead of spill; prevent discharge or entry into bodies of water, sewers, basements or confined areas. For large spills or spills on water, contact local authorities and the National Response Center toll-free at (800)424-8802. Avoid direct discharge to watercourses. SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE PROTECTION: OSHA and ACGIH have mandated an 8-hour TWA of 5 mg/m3 for oil mists; ACGIH has mandated a 15-minute STEL of 10 mg/m3. PERSONAL PROTECTION WORK / HYGIENIC PRACTICES: PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Component ACGIH Exposure Limits (mg/m3 unless otherwise noted) OSHA Exposure Limits (mg/m3 unless otherwise noted) STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: No skin protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. In accordance with good industrial hygiene practices, precautions should be taken to avoid skin contact. SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned. Practice good housekeeping. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Eyewash fountain or emergency eyewash bottle should be present in work area. Personal protective clothing and use of equipment must be in accordance with 29CFR 1910.132 and 29CFR 1910.133. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: SOLUBILITY IN WATER COEFFICIENT OF WATER / OIL DISTRIBUTION NE FLASH POINT NA pH Variable, dependent upon solvent SOLUBILITY IN ORGANIC SOLVENTS Insoluble Not Determined but favors oil. Safety glasses with side shields required. Use impervious gloves if there is prolonged or repeated contact of liquid with skin. Solvex gloves recommended. -48?C, -54.4?F 71.0 mm?/s (DIN EN ISO 3104) - Kinematic MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 4 of 5 PRODUCT NAME: PENTOSIN PENTO SUPER PERFORMANCE III 5W-30 PRODUCT NUMBER: LEL: 0.9 Vol % UEL: 7 Vol% STABILITY REFERENCE: None LABEL: None Not regulated SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME: IATA HAZARD CLASS / Pack Group: IMDG HAZARD CLASS: Water hazard class 2 (Self-assessment): hazardous for aquatic organisms. Do not allow product to reach ground water, water bodies or sewage system. Harmful to fish. SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Not regulated SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Recycling of used/waste product is preferable to simple disposal. Product is suitable for supervised incineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products. End user bears the responsibility to discard unused or waste product in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Not regulated 49 CFR, IATA, IMDG, RID/ADR 2009 SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION Not regulated DOT HAZARD CLASS / Pack Group: Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated Note: Transportation information provided is for reference only. Client is urged to consult CFR 49 parts 100 - 177, IMDG, IATA, EU, United Nations TDG, and WHMIS (Canada) TDG information manuals for detailed regulations and exceptions covering specific container sizes, packaging materials and methods of shipping. UN / NA IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Hazard Identification Number (HIN):HAZARD SYMBOLS: RID/ADR Dangerous Goods Code: TDG Class / Pack Group: FLAMMABLE LIMITS None related to hazardous polymerization.Will not occur. Carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrocarbon compounds, smoke, soot, fumes, - fire conditions only. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. Stable under normal conditions. SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Excessive heat. Oxidizers. NE Not Determined INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): Not Known Not Known but capable of producing mild irritation. Mutagenicity Not Known LD50 of Ingredient (Oral, Rat - unless otherwise specified) LC50 of Ingredient (Inhalation, Rat - unless otherwise specified) Reproductive Toxicity Not Known Teratogenicity Complete Product VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND (VOC) INFORMATION Irritation / Sensitization Mild irritant to eyes; possible mild irritant to skin. Not Known. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BYPRODUCTS: CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Oral LD50 EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Acetate = 1) SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (Continued) VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1) Not Known NE Inhalation LC50 Not Known Dermal LD50 AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE No acute toxicity information is available for the components of this product. Carcinogenicity No ingredients have been identified by IARC, NTP, OSHA, or ECHA to be carcinogens. Product Components Component CAS # MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 5 of 5 PRODUCT NAME: PENTOSIN PENTO SUPER PERFORMANCE III 5W-30 PRODUCT NUMBER: NO NO Fire: NO NO Reactive: NO SARA 313 REPORTABLE INGREDIENTS: ACGIH CAS EINECS HMIS IARC NA NE NIOSH NTP OSHA REVISION SUMMARY: Chronic Health: SARA TITLE III (USA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act): No ingredients are reportable. Sudden Release of Pressure: Acute Health: The information contained herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be so. Data and calculations are based on information furnished by the manufacturer of the product and manufacturers of the components of the product. Users are advised to confirm in advance of need that information is current, applicable and suited to the circumstances of use. Vendor assumes no responsibility for injury to vendee or third persons proximately caused by the material if reasonable safety procedures are not adhered to as stipulated in the data sheet. Furthermore, vendor assumes no responsibility for injury caused by abnormal use of this material even if reasonable safety procedures are followed. Any questions regarding this product should be directed to the manufacturer of the product as described in Section 1. SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATION MSDS Prepared by: ChemTel Inc. 1305 North Florida Avenue Tampa, Florida USA 33602-2902 Toll Free North America 1-888-255-3924 Intl. +01 813-248-0573 Website: American Congress of Government Industrial Hygienists Chemical Abstracts Service European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances Hazardous Materials Identification System International Agency for Research on Cancer Not Available ND Not Determined Not Established NR Not Reported National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Toxicology Program Occupational Safety and Health Administration SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION Components listed under section 8(b). CERCLA (USA - Comprehensive Response Compensation and Liability Act): None listed. Clean Water Act (CWA): No listings as Hazardous Substances, Priority Pollutants, or Toxic Pollutants under the CWA. California Prop 65, Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986: No components listed. Clean Air Act (CAA): No listings under the CAA. New edition authored 1/11/2011. JTV CPR (Canadian Controlled Products Regulations): This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations. WHMIS Class: Not a WHMIS controlled substance. State Right to Know Laws: None of the components are listed. None listed.IDL (Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List): DSL / NDSL (Canadian Domestic Substances List / Non-Domestic Substances List): Listed on DSL. Legend: TSCA (USA - Toxic Substance Control Act): EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act): This material contains no extremely hazardous substances. MAIN