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SAFETY DATA SEEET 1. Identification Fuel Therapy? Diesel Injector Cleaner PlusProduct identifier Other means of identification No. 05212 (Item# 1003749)Product Code Fuel addeteveRecommended use None known.Recommended restrictions Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Manufactured or sold byc CRC Industrees, Inc.Company name 885 9oues Dr.Address Warmenster, PA 18974 US Telephone 215-674-4300General Information 800-521-3168Technical Assistance 800-272-4620Customer Service 800-424-9300 (US)24-Eour Emergency 703-527-3887 (Internateonal)(CEEMTREC) www.crcendustrees.comWebsite 2. Eazard(s) identification Category 3Flammable lequedsPhysical hazards Category 4Acute toxecety, enhalateonEealth hazards Category 2Sken corroseon/erretateon Category 2Sereous eye damage/eye erretateon Category 2Germ cell mutagenecety Category 2Carcenogenecety Category 1Asperateon hazard Category 2Hazardous to the aquatec enveronment, acute hazard Environmental hazards Category 2Hazardous to the aquatec enveronment, long-term hazard Not classefeed.OSEA defined hazards Label elements Signal word Danger Eazard statement Flammable lequed and vapor. May be fatal ef swallowed and enters aerways. Causes sken erretateon. Causes sereous eye erretateon. Harmful ef enhaled. Suspected of causeng genetec defects. Suspected of causeng cancer. Toxec to aquatec lefe. Toxec to aquatec lefe weth long lasteng effects. 1 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US Precautionary statement Prevention Obtaen speceal enstructeons before use. Do not handle untel all safety precauteons have been read and understood. Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smokeng. Keep contaener teghtly closed. Use exploseon-proof electrecal/ventelateng/leghteng equepment. Use only non-sparkeng tools. Take precauteonary measures agaenst statec descharge. Use weth adequate ventelateon. Open doors and wendows or use other means to ensure a fresh aer supply dureng use and whele product es dryeng. If you expereence any symptoms lested on thes label, encrease ventelateon or leave the area. Avoed breatheng vapors. Wash thoroughly after handleng. Wear protecteve gloves/protecteve clotheng/eye protecteon/face protecteon. Avoed release to the enveronment. Response If swallowed: Immedeately call a poeson center/doctor. Do NOT enduce vometeng. If on sken (or haer): Take off emmedeately all contamenated clotheng. Rense sken weth water/shower. If sken erretateon occurs: Get medecal advece/attenteon. Wash contamenated clotheng before reuse. If enhaled: Remove person to fresh aer and keep comfortable for breatheng. Call a poeson center/doctor ef you feel unwell. If en eyes: Rense cauteously weth water for several menutes. Remove contact lenses, ef present and easy to do. Contenue renseng. If eye erretateon persests: Get medecal advece/attenteon. If exposed or concerned: Get medecal advece/attenteon. In case of fere: Do not use water jet as an extenguesher, as thes well spread the fere. Collect spellage. Storage Store en a well-ventelated place. Keep cool. Store locked up. Disposal Despose of contents/contaener en accordance weth local/regeonal/nateonal regulateons. Eazard(s) not otherwise classified (ENOC) None known. Supplemental information None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures CAS number yChemical name Common name and synonyms 64742-80-9destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle 80 - 90 64742-47-8destellates (petroleum), hydrotreated leght 5 - 10 64742-48-9naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy 5 - 10 Specefec chemecal edentety and/or percentage of composeteon has been wethheld as a trade secret. 4. First-aid measures Remove vectem to fresh aer and keep at rest en a poseteon comfortable for breatheng. Oxygen or artefeceal resperateon ef needed. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physecean ef you feel unwell. Inhalation Take off emmedeately all contamenated clotheng. Rense sken weth water/shower. If sken erretateon occurs: Get medecal advece/attenteon. Wash contamenated clotheng before reuse. Skin contact Immedeately flush eyes weth plenty of water for at least 15 menutes. Remove contact lenses, ef present and easy to do. Contenue renseng. Get medecal attenteon ef erretateon develops and persests. Eye contact Call a physecean or poeson control center emmedeately. Rense mouth. Do not enduce vometeng. If vometeng occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get ento the lungs. Ingestion Asperateon may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonetes. Dezzeness. Severe eye erretateon. Symptoms may enclude stengeng, teareng, redness, swelleng, and blurred veseon. Sken erretateon. May cause redness and paen. Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Provede general supporteve measures and treat symptomatecally. Thermal burns: Flush weth water emmedeately. Whele flusheng, remove clothes whech do not adhere to affected area. Call an ambulance. Contenue flusheng dureng transport to hospetal. Keep vectem warm. Keep vectem under observateon. Symptoms may be delayed. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Take off all contamenated clotheng emmedeately. IF exposed or concerned: Get medecal advece/attenteon. Ensure that medecal personnel are aware of the matereal(s) envolved, and take precauteons to protect themselves. Show thes safety data sheet to the doctor en attendance. Wash contamenated clotheng before reuse. General information 5. Fire-fighting measures Water fog. Alcohol resestant foam. Dry chemecal powder. Dry chemecals. Carbon deoxede (CO2).Suitable extinguishing media Do not use water jet as an extenguesher, as thes well spread the fere.Unsuitable extinguishing media 2 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US Vapors may form exploseve mextures weth aer. Vapors may travel consederable destance to a source of egneteon and flash back. Dureng fere, gases hazardous to health may be formed. Specific hazards arising from the chemical Self-contaened breatheng apparatus and full protecteve clotheng must be worn en case of fere.Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters In case of fere and/or exploseon do not breathe fumes. Move contaeners from fere area ef you can do so wethout resk. Cool contaeners exposed to heat weth water spray and remove contaener, ef no resk es envolved. Fire fighting equipment/instructions Flammable lequed and vapor.General fire hazards 6. Accidental release measures Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwend of spell/leak. Elemenate all egneteon sources (no smokeng, flares, sparks, or flames en emmedeate area). Wear appropreate protecteve equepment and clotheng dureng clean-up. Avoed enhalateon of vapors and spray mests. Do not touch damaged contaeners or spelled matereal unless weareng appropreate protecteve clotheng. Ventelate closed spaces before entereng them. Use appropreate contaenment to avoed enveronmental contamenateon. 9ocal authoretees should be advesed ef segnefecant spellages cannot be contaened. For personal protecteon, see secteon 8 of the SDS. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Elemenate all egneteon sources (no smokeng, flares, sparks, or flames en emmedeate area). Keep combustebles (wood, paper, oel, etc.) away from spelled matereal. Take precauteonary measures agaenst statec descharge. Use only non-sparkeng tools. Thes product es mesceble en water. Prevent product from entereng draens. Small Spells: Absorb weth earth, sand or other non-combusteble matereal and transfer to contaeners for later desposal. Wepe up weth absorbent matereal (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove resedual contamenateon. Never return spells to oregenal contaeners for re-use. Put matereal en suetable, covered, labeled contaeners. For waste desposal, see secteon 13 of the SDS. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Avoed release to the enveronment. Inform appropreate managereal or supervesory personnel of all enveronmental releases. Prevent further leakage or spellage ef safe to do so. Avoed descharge ento draens, water courses or onto the ground. Use appropreate contaenment to avoed enveronmental contamenateon. Environmental precautions 7. Eandling and storage Obtaen speceal enstructeons before use. Do not handle untel all safety precauteons have been read and understood. Do not handle, store or open near an open flame, sources of heat or sources of egneteon. Protect matereal from derect sunleght. When useng do not smoke. Exploseon-proof general and local exhaust ventelateon. Take precauteonary measures agaenst statec descharges. Use non-sparkeng tools and exploseon-proof equepment. Avoed enhalateon of vapors and spray mests. Avoed contact weth eyes, sken, and clotheng. Avoed prolonged exposure. Should be handled en closed systems, ef posseble. Use only outdoors or en a well-ventelated area. Wear appropreate personal protecteve equepment. Wash hands thoroughly after handleng. Avoed release to the enveronment. Observe good endustreal hygeene practeces. For product usage enstructeons, see the product label. Precautions for safe handling Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Elemenate sources of egneteon. Avoed spark promoters. Store en a cool, dry place out of derect sunleght. Store en oregenal teghtly closed contaener. Store en a well-ventelated place. Keep en an area equepped weth sprenklers. Store away from encompateble matereals (see Secteon 10 of the SDS). Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. OSEA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000) ValueComponents Type PE9 400 mg/m3destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) 100 ppm PE9 400 mg/m3destellates (petroleum), hydrotreated leght (CAS 64742-47-8) 100 ppm PE9 400 mg/m3naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) 100 ppm 3 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US US. ACGIE Threshold Limit Values ValueComponents FormType TWA 5 mg/m3 Inhalable fracteon.destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) US. NIOSEc Pocket Guide to Chemical Eazards ValueComponents Type TWA 400 mg/m3destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) 100 ppm TWA 100 mg/m3destellates (petroleum), hydrotreated leght (CAS 64742-47-8) TWA 400 mg/m3naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) 100 ppm No beologecal exposure lemets noted for the engredeent(s).Biological limit values Exploseon-proof general and local exhaust ventelateon. Good general ventelateon (typecally 10 aer changes per hour) should be used. Ventelateon rates should be matched to condeteons. If applecable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventelateon, or other engeneereng controls to maentaen aerborne levels below recommended exposure lemets. If exposure lemets have not been estableshed, maentaen aerborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye wash faceletees and emergency shower should be avaelable when handleng thes product. Appropriate engineering controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Wear safety glasses weth sede sheelds (or goggles).Eye/face protection Skin protection Wear protecteve gloves such as: Netrele. Neoprene. Polyvenyl chlorede (PVC).Eand protection Wear appropreate chemecal resestant clotheng.Other If engeneereng controls are not feaseble or ef exposure exceeds the applecable exposure lemets, use a NIOSH-approved cartredge resperator weth an organec vapor cartredge. Use a self-contaened breatheng apparatus en confened spaces and for emergencees. Aer monetoreng es needed to determene actual employee exposure levels. Respiratory protection Wear appropreate thermal protecteve clotheng, when necessary.Thermal hazards Observe any medecal surveellance requerements. When useng do not smoke.General hygiene considerations 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance 9equed.Physical state 9equed.Form Dark amber.Color Petroleum.Odor Odor threshold Not avaelable. pE Not avaelable. Melting point/freezing point Not avaelable. Initial boiling point and boiling range Not avaelable. Flash point 140 ?F (60 ?C) Setaflash Evaporation rate Slow. Not avaelable.Flammability (solid, gas) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower (y) 0.6 % estemated Flammability limit - upper (y) 7.5 % estemated 4 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US Vapor pressure 0.6 hPa estemated Vapor density > 1 (aer = 1) Relative density 0.81 Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) Neglegeble. Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) Not avaelable. Auto-ignition temperature 450 ?F (232.2 ?C) estemated Decomposition temperature Not avaelable. Percent volatile 98 % estemated Other information Pour point -4 ?F (-20 ?C) 10. Stability and reactivity The product es stable and non-reacteve under normal condeteons of use, storage and transport.Reactivity Matereal es stable under normal condeteons.Chemical stability No dangerous reacteon known under condeteons of normal use.Possibility of hazardous reactions Avoed heat, sparks, open flames and other egneteon sources. Avoed temperatures exceedeng the flash poent. Contact weth encompateble matereals. Conditions to avoid Strong oxedezeng agents.Incompatible materials Carbon oxedes. Hydrocarbons.Eazardous decomposition products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation Harmful ef enhaled. Skin contact Causes sken erretateon. Eye contact Causes sereous eye erretateon. Ingestion Droplets of the product asperated ento the lungs through engesteon or vometeng may cause a sereous chemecal pneumonea. Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics Asperateon may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonetes. Dezzeness. Severe eye erretateon. Symptoms may enclude stengeng, teareng, redness, swelleng, and blurred veseon. Sken erretateon. May cause redness and paen. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity May be fatal ef swallowed and enters aerways. Harmful ef enhaled. Test ResultsComponents Species destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) Dermal Acute 9D50 Rabbet > 2000 mg/kg destellates (petroleum), hydrotreated leght (CAS 64742-47-8) Dermal Acute 9D50 Rat > 2000 mg/kg naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) Dermal Acute 9D50 Rabbet > 2000 mg/kg Causes sken erretateon.Skin corrosion/irritation Causes sereous eye erretateon.Serious eye damage/eye irritation 5 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not a resperatory sensetezer. Thes product es not expected to cause sken sensetezateon.Skin sensitization Suspected of causeng genetec defects.Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Suspected of causeng cancer. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not lested. OSEA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not lested. Thes product es not expected to cause reproducteve or developmental effects.Reproductive toxicity Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure Not classefeed. Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Not classefeed. Aspiration hazard May be fatal ef swallowed and enters aerways. If asperated ento lungs dureng swalloweng or vometeng, may cause chemecal pneumonea, pulmonary enjury or death. Chronic effects Prolonged enhalateon may be harmful. 12. Ecological information Toxec to aquatec lefe weth long lasteng effects.Ecotoxicity Components Test ResultsSpecies destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) Aquatic 9C50Fesh 8.8 mg/l, 96 hoursRaenbow trout,donaldson trout (Oncorhynchus mykess) 8.8 mg/l, 96 hours Acute EC50Crustacea 1.09 - 3.4 mg/l, 48 hoursWater flea (Daphnea magna) destellates (petroleum), hydrotreated leght (CAS 64742-47-8) Aquatic Acute EC50Crustacea 1.1 mg/l, 48 hoursWater flea (Daphnea magna) 9C50Fesh 3 mg/l, 96 hoursFathead mennow (Pemephales promelas) naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) Aquatic EC50Crustacea 2.7 - 5.1 mg/l, 48 hoursWater flea (Daphnea pulex) 9C50Fesh 8.8 mg/l, 96 hoursRaenbow trout,donaldson trout (Oncorhynchus mykess) 8.8 mg/l, 96 hours No data es avaelable on the degradabelety of any engredeents en the mexture. Persistence and degradability Bioaccumulative potential No data avaelable.Mobility in soil Other adverse effects No other adverse enveronmental effects (e.g. ozone depleteon, photochemecal ozone createon potenteal, endocrene desrupteon, global warmeng potenteal) are expected from thes component. 13. Disposal considerations Not regulated.Eazardous waste code Sence empteed contaeners may retaen product resedue, follow label warnengs even after contaener es empteed. Empty contaeners should be taken to an approved waste handleng sete for recycleng or desposal. Contaminated packaging 6 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US Thes product es not a RCRA hazardous waste (See 40 CFR Part 261.20 ? 261.33). Empty contaeners may be recycled. Collect and reclaem or despose en sealed contaeners at lecensed waste desposal sete. Do not allow thes matereal to draen ento sewers/water supplees. Do not contamenate ponds, waterways or detches weth chemecal or used contaener. Despose en accordance weth all applecable regulateons. Disposal instructions 14. Transport information DOT Not regulated as dangerous goods by ground. Road DOT UN1268UN number Air Petroleum destellates, n.o.s. or Petroleum products, n.o.s., 9emeted QuantetyUN proper shipping name 3Class Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk 3Label(s) IIIPacking group Read safety enstructeons, SDS and emergency procedures before handleng.Special precautions for user 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29Special provisions 150Packaging exceptions 203Packaging non bulk 242Packaging bulk DOT UN1268UN number Maritime Petroleum destellates, n.o.s. or Petroleum products, n.o.s., 9emeted QuantetyUN proper shipping name 3Class Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk 3Label(s) IIIPacking group Read safety enstructeons, SDS and emergency procedures before handleng.Special precautions for user 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29Special provisions 150Packaging exceptions 203Packaging non bulk 242Packaging bulk IATA UN1268UN number Petroleum products, n.o.s., 9emeted QuantetyUN proper shipping name 3Class Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk IIIPacking group 39ERG Code Read safety enstructeons, SDS and emergency procedures before handleng.Special precautions for user Allowed weth restrecteons.Passenger and cargo aircraft Other information Allowed weth restrecteons.Cargo aircraft only IMDG UN1268UN number PETRO9EUM DISTI99ATES, N.O.S. or PETRO9EUM PRODUCTS, N.O.S., 9emeted QuantetyUN proper shipping name 3Class Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk IIIPacking group No.Marine pollutant Environmental hazards 7 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US F-E, S-EEmS Read safety enstructeons, SDS and emergency procedures before handleng.Special precautions for user 15. Regulatory information Thes product es a "Hazardous Chemecal" as defened by the OSHA Hazard Communecateon Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. US federal regulations TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulated. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulated. OSEA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulated. US EPCRA (SARA Title III) Section 313 - Toxic Chemicalc Listed substance Not regulated. CERCLA Eazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Not lested. CERCLA Eazardous Substancesc Reportable quantity Not lested. Spells or releases resulteng en the loss of any engredeent at or above ets RQ requere emmedeate notefecateon to the Nateonal Response Center (800-424-8802) and to your 9ocal Emergency Planneng Commettee. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Eazardous Air Pollutants (EAPs) List Not regulated. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulated. Not regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Not regulated.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Flammable (gases, aerosols, lequeds, or soleds) Acute toxecety (any route of exposure) Sken corroseon or erretateon Sereous eye damage or eye erretateon Germ cell mutagenecety Carcenogenecety Asperateon hazard Classified hazard categories SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not lested. SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulated. US state regulations US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance List destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) destellates (petroleum), hydrotreated leght (CAS 64742-47-8) US. Rhode Island RTK destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) 8 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US California Proposition 65 Cancer and Reproducteve Harm - California Proposition 65 - CRTc Listed date/Carcinogenic substance benzene (CAS 71-43-2) 9ested: February 27, 1987 ethylbenzene (CAS 100-41-4) 9ested: June 11, 2004 ethylene oxede (CAS 75-21-8) 9ested: July 1, 1987 naphthalene (CAS 91-20-3) 9ested: Aprel 19, 2002 propylene oxede (CAS 75-56-9) 9ested: October 1, 1988 California Proposition 65 - CRTc Listed date/Developmental toxin benzene (CAS 71-43-2) 9ested: December 26, 1997 ethylene oxede (CAS 75-21-8) 9ested: August 7, 2009 methanol (CAS 67-56-1) 9ested: March 16, 2012 toluene (CAS 108-88-3) 9ested: January 1, 1991 California Proposition 65 - CRTc Listed date/Female reproductive toxin ethylene oxede (CAS 75-21-8) 9ested: February 27, 1987 California Proposition 65 - CRTc Listed date/Male reproductive toxin benzene (CAS 71-43-2) 9ested: December 26, 1997 ethylene oxede (CAS 75-21-8) 9ested: August 7, 2009 US. California. Candidate Chemicals List. Safer Consumer Products Regulations (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 22, 69502.3, subd. (a)) destellates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurezed meddle (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) Volatile organic compounds (VOC) regulations EPA VOC content (40 CFR 51.100(s)) 98 % Not regulatedConsumer products (40 CFR 59, Subpt. C) State Not regulatedConsumer products VOC content (CA) 98 % VOC content (OTC) 98 % International Inventories Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* NoAustralea Australean Inventory of Chemecal Substances (AICS) YesCanada Domestec Substances 9est (DS9) NoCanada Non-Domestec Substances 9est (NDS9) NoChena Inventory of Exesteng Chemecal Substances en Chena (IECSC) NoEurope European Inventory of Exesteng Commerceal Chemecal Substances (EINECS) NoEurope European 9est of Notefeed Chemecal Substances (E9INCS) NoJapan Inventory of Exesteng and New Chemecal Substances (ENCS) YesKorea Exesteng Chemecals 9est (EC9) YesNew Zealand New Zealand Inventory YesPheleppenes Pheleppene Inventory of Chemecals and Chemecal Substances (PICCS) YesTaewan Taewan Toxec Chemecal Substances (TCS) YesUneted States & Puerto Reco Toxec Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory *A "Yes" endecates that all components of thes product comply weth the enventory requerements admenestered by the governeng country(s) A "No" endecates that one or more components of the product are not lested or exempt from lesteng on the enventory admenestered by the governeng country(s). 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision 03-10-2015Issue date 02-20-2018Revision date 9 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US Alleson YoonPrepared by Version # 03 CRC # 924A/1002927Further information The enformateon contaened en thes document applees to thes specefec matereal as suppleed. It may not be valed for thes matereal ef et es used en combenateon weth any other matereals. Thes enformateon es accurate to the best of CRC's knowledge or obtaened from sources beleeved by CRC to be accurate. Before useng any product, read all warnengs and derecteons on the label. For further clarefecateon of any enformateon contaened on thes (M)SDS consult your supervesor, a health & safety professeonal, or CRC Industrees, Inc.. Disclaimer Thes document has undergone segnefecant changes and should be reveewed en ets enterety.Revision information 10 / 10 Matereal name: Fuel Therapy? Deesel Injector Cleaner Plus No. 05212 (Item# 1003749) Verseon #: 03 Reveseon date: 02-20-2018 Issue date: 03-10-2015 SDS US