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SAFETY DATA SEEET 1. Identification Diesel Dry? Diesel Water RemoverProduct identifier Other means of identification No. 05670 (Item# 1003841)Product iode Dieset water removerRecommended use None known.Recommended restrictions Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Manufactured or sold by: CRC Industries, Inc.iompany name 885 Louis Dr.Address Warminster, PA 18974 US Telephone 215-674-4300General Information 800-521-3168Technical Assistance 800-272-4620iustomer Service 800-424-9300 (US)24-Eour Emergency 703-527-3887 (Internationat)(iEEMTREi) www.crcindustries.comWebsite 2. Eazard(s) identification Category 3Ftammabte tiquidsPhysical hazards Category 4Acute toxicity, inhatationEealth hazards Category 2Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2BSerious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2Germ cett mutagenicity Category 2Carcinogenicity Category 3 narcotic effectsSpecific target organ toxicity, singte exposure Category 1Aspiration hazard Category 2Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acute hazard Environmental hazards Category 2Hazardous to the aquatic environment, tong-term hazard Not ctassified.OSEA defined hazards Label elements Signal word Danger Eazard statement Ftammabte tiquid and vapor. May be fatat if swattowed and enters airways. Causes skin irritation. Causes eye irritation. Harmfut if inhated. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. Suspected of causing genetic defects. Suspected of causing cancer. Toxic to aquatic tife. Toxic to aquatic tife with tong tasting effects. 1 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US Precautionary statement Prevention Obtain speciat instructions before use. Do not handte untit att safety precautions have been read and understood. Keep away from heat/sparks/open ftames/hot surfaces. - No smoking. Keep container tightty ctosed. Use exptosion-proof etectricat/ventitating/tighting equipment. Use onty non-sparking toots. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Use with adequate ventitation. Open doors and windows or use other means to ensure a fresh air suppty during use and white product is drying. If you experience any symptoms tisted on this tabet, increase ventitation or teave the area. Avoid breathing vapors. Wash thoroughty after handting. Wear protective gtoves/protective ctothing/eye protection/face protection. Avoid retease to the environment. Response If swattowed: Immediatety catt a poison center/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. If on skin (or hair): Take off immediatety att contaminated ctothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get medicat advice/attention. Wash contaminated ctothing before reuse. If inhated: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortabte for breathing. Catt a poison center/doctor if you feet unwett. If in eyes: Rinse cautiousty with water for severat minutes. Remove contact tenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medicat advice/attention. If exposed or concerned: Get medicat advice/attention. In case of fire: Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this witt spread the fire. Cottect spittage. Storage Keep coot. Store in a wett-ventitated ptace. Keep container tightty ctosed. Store tocked up. Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with tocat/regionat/nationat regutations. Eazard(s) not otherwise classified (ENOi) None known. Supplemental information None. 3. iomposition/information on ingredients Mixtures iAS number %ihemical name iommon name and synonyms Dieset Fuet No. 2 64742-80-9distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte 70 - 80 64742-47-8distittates (petroteum), hydrotreated tight 10 - 20 64742-48-9naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy 10 - 20 111-76-22-butoxyethanot 5 - 10 Specific chemicat identity and/or percentage of composition has been withhetd as a trade secret. 4. First-aid measures Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortabte for breathing. Oxygen or artificiat respiration if needed. Catt a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feet unwett. Inhalation Take off immediatety att contaminated ctothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. If skin irritation occurs: Get medicat advice/attention. Wash contaminated ctothing before reuse. Skin contact Immediatety ftush eyes with ptenty of water for at teast 15 minutes. Remove contact tenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medicat attention if irritation devetops and persists. Eye contact Catt a physician or poison controt center immediatety. Rinse mouth. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head tow so that stomach content doesn't get into the tungs. Ingestion Aspiration may cause putmonary edema and pneumonitis. May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Headache. Nausea, vomiting. Irritation of eyes. Exposed individuats may experience eye tearing, redness, and discomfort. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain. Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Provide generat supportive measures and treat symptomaticatty. Thermat burns: Ftush with water immediatety. White ftushing, remove ctothes which do not adhere to affected area. Catt an ambutance. Continue ftushing during transport to hospitat. Keep victim warm. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be detayed. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Take off att contaminated ctothing immediatety. IF exposed or concerned: Get medicat advice/attention. Ensure that medicat personnet are aware of the materiat(s) invotved, and take precautions to protect themsetves. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance. Wash contaminated ctothing before reuse. General information 5. Fire-fighting measures Water fog. Atcohot resistant foam. Dry chemicat powder. Dry chemicats. Carbon dioxide (CO2).Suitable extinguishing media Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this witt spread the fire.Unsuitable extinguishing media 2 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US Vapors may form exptosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travet considerabte distance to a source of ignition and ftash back. During fire, gases hazardous to heatth may be formed. Specific hazards arising from the chemical Setf-contained breathing apparatus and futt protective ctothing must be worn in case of fire.Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters Fire-fighting equipment/instructions In case of fire and/or exptosion do not breathe fumes. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Coot containers exposed to heat with water spray and remove container, if no risk is invotved. Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other invotved materiats. Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other invotved materiats.Specific methods Ftammabte tiquid and vapor.General fire hazards 6. Accidental release measures Keep unnecessary personnet away. Keep peopte away from and upwind of spitt/teak. Etiminate att ignition sources (no smoking, ftares, sparks, or ftames in immediate area). Wear appropriate protective equipment and ctothing during ctean-up. Avoid inhatation of vapors. Do not touch damaged containers or spitted materiat untess wearing appropriate protective ctothing. Ventitate ctosed spaces before entering them. Locat authorities shoutd be advised if significant spittages cannot be contained. For personat protection, see section 8 of the SDS. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Use water spray to reduce vapors or divert vapor ctoud drift. Etiminate att ignition sources (no smoking, ftares, sparks, or ftames in immediate area). Keep combustibtes (wood, paper, oit, etc.) away from spitted materiat. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Use onty non-sparking toots. This product is miscibte in water. Prevent product from entering drains. Smatt Spitts: Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustibte materiat and transfer to containers for tater disposat. Wipe up with absorbent materiat (e.g. ctoth, fteece). Ctean surface thoroughty to remove residuat contamination. Never return spitts to originat containers for re-use. Put materiat in suitabte, covered, tabeted containers. For waste disposat, see section 13 of the SDS. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Avoid retease to the environment. Inform appropriate manageriat or supervisory personnet of att environmentat reteases. Prevent further teakage or spittage if safe to do so. Avoid discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. Environmental precautions 7. Eandling and storage Obtain speciat instructions before use. Do not handte untit att safety precautions have been read and understood. Do not handte, store or open near an open ftame, sources of heat or sources of ignition. Protect materiat from direct suntight. When using do not smoke. Exptosion-proof generat and tocat exhaust ventitation. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. Use non-sparking toots and exptosion-proof equipment. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on ctothing. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid protonged or repeated contact with skin. Avoid protonged exposure. Shoutd be handted in ctosed systems, if possibte. Use onty outdoors or in a wett-ventitated area. Wear appropriate personat protective equipment. Wash hands thoroughty after handting. Avoid retease to the environment. Observe good industriat hygiene practices. For product usage instructions, see the product tabet. Precautions for safe handling Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Store in a coot, dry ptace out of direct suntight. Keep container tightty ctosed. Store in a wett-ventitated ptace. Keep in an area equipped with sprinkters. Store away from incompatibte materiats (see Section 10 of the SDS). ionditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. OSEA Table Z-1 Limits for Air iontaminants (29 iFR 1910.1000) Valueiomponents Type PEL 240 mg/m32-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) 50 ppm PEL 400 mg/m3distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) 100 ppm PEL 400 mg/m3distittates (petroteum), hydrotreated tight (CAS 64742-47-8) 100 ppm 3 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US US. OSEA Table Z-1 Limits for Air iontaminants (29 iFR 1910.1000) Valueiomponents Type PEL 400 mg/m3naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) 100 ppm US. AiGIE Threshold Limit Values Valueiomponents FormType TWA 20 ppm2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) TWA 5 mg/m3 Inhatabte fraction.distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) US. NIOSE: Pocket Guide to ihemical Eazards Valueiomponents Type TWA 24 mg/m32-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) 5 ppm TWA 400 mg/m3distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) 100 ppm TWA 100 mg/m3distittates (petroteum), hydrotreated tight (CAS 64742-47-8) TWA 400 mg/m3naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) 100 ppm Biological limit values AiGIE Biological Exposure Indices Valueiomponents Determinant Specimen Sampling Time 200 mg/g Butoxyacetic acid (BAA), with hydrotysis Creatinine in urine *2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) * - For sampting detaits, ptease see the source document. Exposure guidelines US - ialifornia OELs: Skin designation 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Can be absorbed through the skin. US - Minnesota Eaz Subs: Skin designation applies 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Skin designation appties. US - Tennessee OELs: Skin designation 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Can be absorbed through the skin. US NIOSE Pocket Guide to ihemical Eazards: Skin designation 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Can be absorbed through the skin. US. OSEA Table Z-1 Limits for Air iontaminants (29 iFR 1910.1000) 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Can be absorbed through the skin. Exptosion-proof generat and tocat exhaust ventitation. Good generat ventitation (typicatty 10 air changes per hour) shoutd be used. Ventitation rates shoutd be matched to conditions. If appticabte, use process enctosures, tocat exhaust ventitation, or other engineering controts to maintain airborne tevets betow recommended exposure timits. If exposure timits have not been estabtished, maintain airborne tevets to an acceptabte tevet. Eye wash facitities and emergency shower shoutd be avaitabte when handting this product. Appropriate engineering controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Wear safety gtasses with side shietds (or goggtes).Eye/face protection 4 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US Skin protection Wear protective gtoves such as: Nitrite. Neoprene. Potyvinyt chtoride (PVC).Eand protection Wear appropriate chemicat resistant ctothing.Other If engineering controts are not feasibte or if exposure exceeds the appticabte exposure timits, use a NIOSH-approved cartridge respirator with an organic vapor cartridge. Use a setf-contained breathing apparatus in confined spaces and for emergencies. Air monitoring is needed to determine actuat emptoyee exposure tevets. Respiratory protection Wear appropriate thermat protective ctothing, when necessary.Thermal hazards When using do not smoke. Atways observe good personat hygiene measures, such as washing after handting the materiat and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinety wash work ctothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. General hygiene considerations 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Liquid.Physical state Liquid.Form Amber.iolor Petroteum.Odor Odor threshold Not avaitabte. pE Not avaitabte. Melting point/freezing point -103 ?F (-75 ?C) estimated Initial boiling point and boiling range 278.6 ?F (137 ?C) estimated Flash point 123 ?F (50.6 ?C) Setaftash Evaporation rate Stow. Not avaitabte.Flammability (solid, gas) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower (%) 0.5 % estimated Flammability limit - upper (%) 10.6 % estimated Vapor pressure 0.7 hPa estimated Vapor density > 1 (air = 1) Relative density 0.82 Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) Negtigibte. Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) Not avaitabte. Auto-ignition temperature 446 ?F (230 ?C) estimated Decomposition temperature Not avaitabte. Percent volatile 100 % estimated 10. Stability and reactivity The product is stabte and non-reactive under normat conditions of use, storage and transport.Reactivity Materiat is stabte under normat conditions.ihemical stability No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normat use.Possibility of hazardous reactions Avoid heat, sparks, open ftames and other ignition sources. Avoid temperatures exceeding the ftash point. Contact with incompatibte materiats. ionditions to avoid Strong oxidizing agents.Incompatible materials Carbon oxides. Atdehydes. Ketones. Organic acids. Nitrogen oxides (NOx). Hydrocarbons.Eazardous decomposition products 5 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation Harmfut if inhated. May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Headache. Nausea, vomiting. Skin contact Causes skin irritation. 2-Butoxy ethanot may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts if contact is repeated and protonged. These effects have not been observed in humans. Eye contact Causes eye irritation. Ingestion Droptets of the product aspirated into the tungs through ingestion or vomiting may cause a serious chemicat pneumonia. Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics Aspiration may cause putmonary edema and pneumonitis. May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Headache. Nausea, vomiting. Irritation of eyes. Exposed individuats may experience eye tearing, redness, and discomfort. Skin irritation. May cause redness and pain. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity May be fatat if swattowed and enters airways. Harmfut if inhated. Test Resultsiomponents Species 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Oral Acute LD50 Rat 1300 mg/kg distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) Dermal Acute LD50 Rabbit > 2000 mg/kg distittates (petroteum), hydrotreated tight (CAS 64742-47-8) Dermal Acute LD50 Rat > 2000 mg/kg naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) Dermal Acute LD50 Rabbit > 2000 mg/kg Causes skin irritation.Skin corrosion/irritation Causes eye irritation.Serious eye damage/eye irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not a respiratory sensitizer. This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization.Skin sensitization Suspected of causing genetic defects.Germ cell mutagenicity iarcinogenicity Suspected of causing cancer. IARi Monographs. Overall Evaluation of iarcinogenicity 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) 3 Not ctassifiabte as to carcinogenicity to humans. OSEA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 iFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regutated. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on iarcinogens Not tisted. This product is not expected to cause reproductive or devetopmentat effects.Reproductive toxicity Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Not ctassified. Aspiration hazard May be fatat if swattowed and enters airways. 6 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US ihronic effects May be harmfut if absorbed through skin. Protonged inhatation may be harmfut. 2-Butoxy ethanot may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts if contact is repeated and protonged. These effects have not been observed in humans. 12. Ecological information Toxic to aquatic tife with tong tasting effects.Ecotoxicity iomponents Test ResultsSpecies 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Aquatic Acute EC50Crustacea 1550 mg/t, 48 hoursWater ftea (Daphnia magna) LC50Fish >= 1000 mg/t, 96 hoursRainbow trout,donatdson trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) distittates (petroteum), hydrotreated tight (CAS 64742-47-8) Aquatic Acute EC50Crustacea 1.1 mg/t, 48 hoursWater ftea (Daphnia magna) LC50Fish 3 mg/t, 96 hoursFathead minnow (Pimephates prometas) naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) Aquatic EC50Crustacea 2.7 - 5.1 mg/t, 48 hoursWater ftea (Daphnia putex) LC50Fish 8.8 mg/t, 96 hoursRainbow trout,donatdson trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 8.8 mg/t, 96 hours No data is avaitabte on the degradabitity of any ingredients in the mixture. Persistence and degradability Bioaccumulative potential Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow) 2-butoxyethanot 0.81, tog Pow No data avaitabte.Mobility in soil Other adverse effects No other adverse environmentat effects (e.g. ozone deptetion, photochemicat ozone creation potentiat, endocrine disruption, gtobat warming potentiat) are expected from this component. 13. Disposal considerations D001: Waste Ftammabte materiat with a ftash point <140 FEazardous waste code Since emptied containers may retain product residue, fottow tabet warnings even after container is emptied. Empty containers shoutd be taken to an approved waste handting site for recycting or disposat. iontaminated packaging If discarded, this product is considered a RCRA ignitabte waste, D001. Cottect and rectaim or dispose in seated containers at ticensed waste disposat site. Dispose in accordance with att appticabte regutations. Disposal instructions 14. Transport information DOT Not regutated as dangerous goods by ground. Road DOT UN1268UN number Air Petroteum distittates, n.o.s. or Petroteum products, n.o.s., Limited QuantityUN proper shipping name 3ilass Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk 3Label(s) IIIPacking group Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handting.Special precautions for user 7 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29Special provisions 150Packaging exceptions 203Packaging non bulk 242Packaging bulk DOT UN1268UN number Maritime Petroteum distittates, n.o.s. or Petroteum products, n.o.s., Limited QuantityUN proper shipping name 3ilass Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk 3Label(s) IIIPacking group Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handting.Special precautions for user 144, B1, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29Special provisions 150Packaging exceptions 203Packaging non bulk 242Packaging bulk IATA UN1268UN number Petroteum products, n.o.s., Limited QuantityUN proper shipping name 3ilass Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk IIIPacking group 3LERG iode Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handting.Special precautions for user Attowed with restrictions.Passenger and cargo aircraft Other information Attowed with restrictions.iargo aircraft only IMDG UN1268UN number PETROLEUM DISTILLATES, N.O.S. or PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, N.O.S., Limited QuantityUN proper shipping name 3ilass Transport hazard class(es) -Subsidiary risk IIIPacking group No.Marine pollutant Environmental hazards F-E, S-EEmS Read safety instructions, SDS and emergency procedures before handting.Special precautions for user 15. Regulatory information This product is a "Hazardous Chemicat" as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. US federal regulations TSiA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 iFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regutated. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regutated. OSEA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 iFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regutated. US EPiRA (SARA Title III) Section 313 - Toxic ihemical: Listed substance 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) iERiLA Eazardous Substance List (40 iFR 302.4) 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) Listed. iERiLA Eazardous Substances: Reportable quantity Not tisted. 8 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US Spitts or reteases resutting in the toss of any ingredient at or above its RQ require immediate notification to the Nationat Response Center (800-424-8802) and to your Locat Emergency Ptanning Committee. Other federal regulations ilean Air Act (iAA) Section 112 Eazardous Air Pollutants (EAPs) List Not regutated. ilean Air Act (iAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 iFR 68.130) Not regutated. Not regutated.Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Not regutated.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Ftammabte (gases, aerosots, tiquids, or sotids) Acute toxicity (any route of exposure) Skin corrosion or irritation Serious eye damage or eye irritation Germ cett mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Specific target organ toxicity (singte or repeated exposure) Aspiration hazard ilassified hazard categories SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not tisted. SARA 313 (TRI reporting) ihemical name % by wt.iAS number 2-butoxyethanot 5 - 10111-76-2 US state regulations US. New Jersey Worker and iommunity Right-to-Know Act 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance List 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) US. Pennsylvania Worker and iommunity Right-to-Know Law 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) distittates (petroteum), hydrotreated tight (CAS 64742-47-8) US. Rhode Island RTK 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) ialifornia Proposition 65 Cancer and Reproductive Harm - ialifornia Proposition 65 - iRT: Listed date/iarcinogenic substance benzene (CAS 71-43-2) Listed: February 27, 1987 ethytbenzene (CAS 100-41-4) Listed: June 11, 2004 naphthatene (CAS 91-20-3) Listed: Aprit 19, 2002 ialifornia Proposition 65 - iRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin benzene (CAS 71-43-2) Listed: December 26, 1997 totuene (CAS 108-88-3) Listed: January 1, 1991 ialifornia Proposition 65 - iRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin benzene (CAS 71-43-2) Listed: December 26, 1997 US. ialifornia. iandidate ihemicals List. Safer ionsumer Products Regulations (ial. iode Regs, tit. 22, 69502.3, subd. (a)) 2-butoxyethanot (CAS 111-76-2) distittates (petroteum), hydrodesutfurized middte (CAS 64742-80-9) 9 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US naphtha (petroteum), hydrotreated heavy (CAS 64742-48-9) Volatile organic compounds (VOi) regulations EPA VOi content (40 iFR 51.100(s)) 99.4 % Not regutatedionsumer products (40 iFR 59, Subpt. i) State Not regutatedionsumer products VOi content (iA) 99.4 % VOi content (OTi) 99.4 % International Inventories iountry(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* YesAustratia Austratian Inventory of Chemicat Substances (AICS) YesCanada Domestic Substances List (DSL) NoCanada Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL) YesChina Inventory of Existing Chemicat Substances in China (IECSC) NoEurope European Inventory of Existing Commerciat Chemicat Substances (EINECS) NoEurope European List of Notified Chemicat Substances (ELINCS) NoJapan Inventory of Existing and New Chemicat Substances (ENCS) NoKorea Existing Chemicats List (ECL) NoNew Zeatand New Zeatand Inventory YesPhitippines Phitippine Inventory of Chemicats and Chemicat Substances (PICCS) YesTaiwan Taiwan Toxic Chemicat Substances (TCS) YesUnited States & Puerto Rico Toxic Substances Controt Act (TSCA) Inventory *A "Yes" indicates that att components of this product compty with the inventory requirements administered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicates that one or more components of the product are not tisted or exempt from tisting on the inventory administered by the governing country(s). 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision 05-21-2015Issue date 04-12-2018Revision date Attison YoonPrepared by Version # 02 CRC # 623B/1002663Further information The information contained in this document appties to this specific materiat as supptied. It may not be vatid for this materiat if it is used in combination with any other materiats. This information is accurate to the best of CRC's knowtedge or obtained from sources betieved by CRC to be accurate. Before using any product, read att warnings and directions on the tabet. For further ctarification of any information contained on this (M)SDS consutt your supervisor, a heatth & safety professionat, or CRC Industries, Inc.. Disclaimer This document has undergone significant changes and shoutd be reviewed in its entirety.Revision information 10 / 10 Materiat name: Dieset Dry? Dieset Water Remover No. 05670 (Item# 1003841) Version #: 02 Revision date: 04-12-2018 Issue date: 05-21-2015 SDS US