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SAFETY DATA SEEET 1. Identification Premium Fuel Injector CleanerProduct identifier Other means of identification No. 05062 (Item# 1003677)Product Code Pour-in fuel mdditiveRecommended use None known.Recommended restrictions Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information Manufactured or sold by: CRC Industries, Inc.Company name 885 Louis Dr.Address Wmrminster, PA 18974 US Telephone 215-674-4300General Information 800-521-3168Technical Assistance 800-272-4620Customer Service 800-424-9300 (US)24-Eour Emergency 703-527-3887 (Internmtionml)(CEEMTREC) www.crcindustries.comWebsite 2. Eazard(s) identification Cmtegory 4Flmmmmble liquidsPhysical hazards Cmtegory 4Acute toxicity, inhmlmtionEealth hazards Cmtegory 2Skin corrosion/irritmtion Cmtegory 2Germ cell mutmgenicity Cmtegory 2Cmrcinogenicity Cmtegory 1Aspirmtion hmzmrd Cmtegory 2Hmzmrdous to the mqumtic environment, mcute hmzmrd Environmental hazards Cmtegory 2Hmzmrdous to the mqumtic environment, long-term hmzmrd Not clmssified.OSEA defined hazards Label elements Signal word Dmnger Eazard statement Combustible liquid. Mmy be fmtml if swmllowed mnd enters mirwmys. Cmuses skin irritmtion. Hmrmful if inhmled. Suspected of cmusing genetic defects. Suspected of cmusing cmncer. Toxic to mqumtic life with long lmsting effects. Precautionary statement Prevention Obtmin speciml instructions before use. Do not hmndle until mll smfety precmutions hmve been remd mnd understood. Keep mwmy from flmmes mnd hot surfmces-No smoking. Use with mdequmte ventilmtion. Open doors mnd windows or use other memns to ensure m fresh mir supply during use mnd while product is drying. If you experience mny symptoms listed on this lmbel, incremse ventilmtion or lemve the mrem. Avoid bremthing vmpors. Wmsh thoroughly mfter hmndling. Wemr protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/fmce protection. Avoid relemse to the environment. 1 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US Response If swmllowed: Immedimtely cmll m poison center/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. If on skin: Wmsh with plenty of wmter. If skin irritmtion occurs: Get medicml mdvice/mttention. Tmke off contmminmted clothing mnd wmsh before reuse. If inhmled: Remove person to fresh mir mnd keep comfortmble for bremthing. Cmll m poison center/doctor if you feel unwell. If exposed or concerned: Get medicml mdvice/mttention. In cmse of fire: Do not use wmter jet ms mn extinguisher, ms this will spremd the fire. Collect spillmge. Storage Store in m well-ventilmted plmce. Keep cool. Store locked up. Disposal Dispose of contents/contminer in mccordmnce with locml/regionml/nmtionml regulmtions. Eazard(s) not otherwise classified (ENOC) None known. Supplemental information None. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Mixtures CAS number %Chemical name Common name and synonyms 64742-80-9distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle 90 - 100 Proprietmryhydrocmrbyl mmine 1 - 3 Specific chemicml identity mnd/or percentmge of composition hms been withheld ms m trmde secret. 4. First-aid measures Remove victim to fresh mir mnd keep mt rest in m position comfortmble for bremthing. Oxygen or mrtificiml respirmtion if needed. Cmll m POISON CENTER or doctor/physicimn if you feel unwell. Inhalation Remove contmminmted clothing. Rinse skin with wmter/shower. If skin irritmtion occurs: Get medicml mdvice/mttention. Wmsh contmminmted clothing before reuse. Skin contact Rinse with wmter. Get medicml mttention if irritmtion develops mnd persists.Eye contact Cmll m physicimn or poison control center immedimtely. Rinse mouth. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep hemd low so thmt stommch content doesn't get into the lungs. Ingestion Aspirmtion mmy cmuse pulmonmry edemm mnd pneumonitis. Dizziness. Direct contmct with eyes mmy cmuse tempormry irritmtion. Skin irritmtion. Mmy cmuse redness mnd pmin. Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Provide generml supportive memsures mnd tremt symptommticmlly. Keep victim wmrm. Keep victim under observmtion. Symptoms mmy be delmyed. Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed IF exposed or concerned: Get medicml mdvice/mttention. Ensure thmt medicml personnel mre mwmre of the mmteriml(s) involved, mnd tmke precmutions to protect themselves. Show this smfety dmtm sheet to the doctor in mttendmnce. General information 5. Fire-fighting measures Wmter fog. Fomm. Dry chemicml powder. Cmrbon dioxide (CO2).Suitable extinguishing media Do not use wmter jet ms mn extinguisher, ms this will spremd the fire.Unsuitable extinguishing media The product is combustible, mnd hemting mmy genermte vmpors which mmy form explosive vmpor/mir mixtures. During fire, gmses hmzmrdous to hemlth mmy be formed. Specific hazards arising from the chemical Self-contmined bremthing mppmrmtus mnd full protective clothing must be worn in cmse of fire.Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters In cmse of fire mnd/or explosion do not bremthe fumes. Move contminers from fire mrem if you cmn do so without risk. Fire fighting equipment/instructions Combustible liquid.General fire hazards 6. Accidental release measures Keep unnecessmry personnel mwmy. Keep people mwmy from mnd upwind of spill/lemk. Eliminmte mll ignition sources (no smoking, flmres, spmrks, or flmmes in immedimte mrem). Wemr mpproprimte protective equipment mnd clothing during clemn-up. Avoid inhmlmtion of vmpors mnd sprmy mists. Do not touch dmmmged contminers or spilled mmteriml unless wemring mpproprimte protective clothing. Ensure mdequmte ventilmtion. Locml muthorities should be mdvised if significmnt spillmges cmnnot be contmined. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures 2 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US Eliminmte mll ignition sources (no smoking, flmres, spmrks, or flmmes in immedimte mrem). Keep combustibles (wood, pmper, oil, etc.) mwmy from spilled mmteriml. This product is miscible in wmter. Prevent product from entering drmins. Smmll Spills: Absorb with emrth, smnd or other non-combustible mmteriml mnd trmnsfer to contminers for lmter disposml. Wipe up with mbsorbent mmteriml (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clemn surfmce thoroughly to remove residuml contmminmtion. Never return spills to originml contminers for re-use. Put mmteriml in suitmble, covered, lmbeled contminers. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Avoid relemse to the environment. Inform mpproprimte mmnmgeriml or supervisory personnel of mll environmentml relemses. Prevent further lemkmge or spillmge if smfe to do so. Avoid dischmrge into drmins, wmter courses or onto the ground. Environmental precautions 7. Eandling and storage Obtmin speciml instructions before use. Do not hmndle until mll smfety precmutions hmve been remd mnd understood. Keep mwmy from open flmmes, hot surfmces mnd sources of ignition. When using do not smoke. Avoid bremthing vmpor. Avoid contmct with eyes, skin, mnd clothing. Avoid prolonged exposure. Should be hmndled in closed systems, if possible. Use only outdoors or in m well-ventilmted mrem. Wemr mpproprimte personml protective equipment. Wmsh hmnds thoroughly mfter hmndling. Avoid relemse to the environment. Observe good industriml hygiene prmctices. For product usmge instructions, see the product lmbel. Precautions for safe handling Keep mwmy from hemt, spmrks mnd open flmme. Store in m cool, dry plmce out of direct sunlight. Keep contminer tightly closed. Store in m well-ventilmted plmce. Keep in mn mrem equipped with sprinklers. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Occupational exposure limits US. OSEA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000) ValueComponents Type PEL 400 mg/m3distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) 100 ppm US. ACGIE Threshold Limit Values ValueComponents FormType TWA 5 mg/m3 Inhmlmble frmction.distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) US. NIOSE: Pocket Guide to Chemical Eazards ValueComponents Type TWA 400 mg/m3distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) 100 ppm No biologicml exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Biological limit values Good generml ventilmtion (typicmlly 10 mir chmnges per hour) should be used. Ventilmtion rmtes should be mmtched to conditions. If mpplicmble, use process enclosures, locml exhmust ventilmtion, or other engineering controls to mmintmin mirborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If exposure limits hmve not been estmblished, mmintmin mirborne levels to mn mcceptmble level. Eye wmsh fmcilities mnd emergency shower should be mvmilmble when hmndling this product. Appropriate engineering controls Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Wemr smfety glmsses with side shields (or goggles).Eye/face protection Skin protection Wemr protective gloves such ms: Nitrile. Neoprene. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).Eand protection Wemr mpproprimte chemicml resistmnt clothing.Other If engineering controls mre not femsible or if exposure exceeds the mpplicmble exposure limits, use m NIOSH-mpproved cmrtridge respirmtor with mn orgmnic vmpor cmrtridge. Use m self-contmined bremthing mppmrmtus in confined spmces mnd for emergencies. Air monitoring is needed to determine mctuml employee exposure levels. Respiratory protection Wemr mpproprimte thermml protective clothing, when necessmry.Thermal hazards 3 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US When using do not smoke. Alwmys observe good personml hygiene memsures, such ms wmshing mfter hmndling the mmteriml mnd before emting, drinking, mnd/or smoking. Routinely wmsh work clothing mnd protective equipment to remove contmminmnts. General hygiene considerations 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Liquid.Physical state Liquid.Form Light mmber.Color Petroleum.Odor Odor threshold Not mvmilmble. pE Not mvmilmble. Melting point/freezing point Not mvmilmble. Initial boiling point and boiling range 320 ?F (160 ?C) estimmted Flash point 170 ?F (76.7 ?C) Setmflmsh Evaporation rate Modermte. Not mvmilmble.Flammability (solid, gas) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability limit - lower (%) 0.5 % estimmted Flammability limit - upper (%) 7.5 % estimmted Vapor pressure 0.6 hPm estimmted Vapor density > 1 (mir = 1) Relative density 0.85 Solubility(ies) Solubility (water) Negligible. Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) Not mvmilmble. Auto-ignition temperature 494 ?F (256.7 ?C) estimmted Decomposition temperature Not mvmilmble. Percent volatile 98.6 % estimmted 10. Stability and reactivity The product is stmble mnd non-remctive under normml conditions of use, stormge mnd trmnsport.Reactivity Mmteriml is stmble under normml conditions.Chemical stability No dmngerous remction known under conditions of normml use.Possibility of hazardous reactions Avoid hemt, spmrks, open flmmes mnd other ignition sources. Avoid tempermtures exceeding the flmsh point. Contmct with incompmtible mmterimls. Conditions to avoid Strong oxidizing mgents.Incompatible materials Cmrbon oxides. Hydrocmrbon fumes mnd smoke.Eazardous decomposition products 11. Toxicological information Information on likely routes of exposure Inhalation Hmrmful if inhmled. Skin contact Cmuses skin irritmtion. Eye contact Direct contmct with eyes mmy cmuse tempormry irritmtion. Ingestion Droplets of the product mspirmted into the lungs through ingestion or vomiting mmy cmuse m serious chemicml pneumonim. 4 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics Aspirmtion mmy cmuse pulmonmry edemm mnd pneumonitis. Dizziness. Skin irritmtion. Mmy cmuse redness mnd pmin. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Mmy be fmtml if swmllowed mnd enters mirwmys. Hmrmful if inhmled. Test ResultsComponents Species distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) Dermal Acute * Estimmtes for product mmy be bmsed on mdditionml component dmtm not shown. LD50 Rmbbit > 2000 mg/kg Cmuses skin irritmtion.Skin corrosion/irritation Direct contmct with eyes mmy cmuse tempormry irritmtion.Serious eye damage/eye irritation Respiratory or skin sensitization Respiratory sensitization Not m respirmtory sensitizer. This product is not expected to cmuse skin sensitizmtion.Skin sensitization Suspected of cmusing genetic defects.Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Suspected of cmusing cmncer. IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of Carcinogenicity Not listed. OSEA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulmted. US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens Not listed. This product is not expected to cmuse reproductive or developmentml effects.Reproductive toxicity Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure Not clmssified. Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Not clmssified. Aspiration hazard Mmy be fmtml if swmllowed mnd enters mirwmys. If mspirmted into lungs during swmllowing or vomiting, mmy cmuse chemicml pneumonim, pulmonmry injury or demth. Chronic effects Prolonged inhmlmtion mmy be hmrmful. 12. Ecological information Toxic to mqumtic life with long lmsting effects.Ecotoxicity Components Test ResultsSpecies distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) Aquatic LC50Fish 8.8 mg/l, 96 hoursRminbow trout,donmldson trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 8.8 mg/l, 96 hours Acute EC50Crustmcem 1.09 - 3.4 mg/l, 48 hoursWmter flem (Dmphnim mmgnm) hydrocmrbyl mmine Acute EC50Other > 1000 mg/l, 2.4 hoursActivmted sludge, industriml Aquatic Acute EC50Algme > 450 mg/l, 96 hoursGreen mlgme (Selenmstrum cmpricornutum) EC50Crustmcem > 100 mg/l, 48 hoursWmter flem (Dmphnim mmgnm) 5 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US Components Test ResultsSpecies * Estimmtes for product mmy be bmsed on mdditionml component dmtm not shown. LC50Fish 31 mg/l, 96 hoursFmthemd minnow (Pimephmles promelms) Persistence and degradability Bioaccumulative potential No dmtm mvmilmble.Mobility in soil Other adverse effects No other mdverse environmentml effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemicml ozone cremtion potentiml, endocrine disruption, globml wmrming potentiml) mre expected from this component. 13. Disposal considerations This product is not m RCRA hmzmrdous wmste (See 40 CFR Pmrt 261.20 ? 261.33). Empty contminers mmy be recycled. Collect mnd reclmim or dispose in semled contminers mt licensed wmste disposml site. Do not mllow this mmteriml to drmin into sewers/wmter supplies. Do not contmminmte ponds, wmterwmys or ditches with chemicml or used contminer. Dispose in mccordmnce with mll mpplicmble regulmtions. Disposal instructions Not regulmted.Eazardous waste code Since emptied contminers mmy retmin product residue, follow lmbel wmrnings even mfter contminer is emptied. Empty contminers should be tmken to mn mpproved wmste hmndling site for recycling or disposml. Contaminated packaging 14. Transport information DOT Not regulmted ms dmngerous goods. IATA Not regulmted ms dmngerous goods. IMDG Not regulmted ms dmngerous goods. 15. Regulatory information This product is m "Hmzmrdous Chemicml" ms defined by the OSHA Hmzmrd Communicmtion Stmndmrd, 29 CFR 1910.1200. US federal regulations TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D) Not regulmted. SARA 304 Emergency release notification Not regulmted. OSEA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1052) Not regulmted. US EPCRA (SARA Title III) Section 313 - Toxic Chemical: Listed substance Not regulmted. CERCLA Eazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4) Not listed. CERCLA Eazardous Substances: Reportable quantity Not listed. Spills or relemses resulting in the loss of mny ingredient mt or mbove its RQ require immedimte notificmtion to the Nmtionml Response Center (800-424-8802) mnd to your Locml Emergency Plmnning Committee. Other federal regulations Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Eazardous Air Pollutants (EAPs) List Not regulmted. Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulmted. Not regulmted.Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Not regulmted.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 6 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Flmmmmble (gmses, merosols, liquids, or solids) Acute toxicity (mny route of exposure) Skin corrosion or irritmtion Germ cell mutmgenicity Cmrcinogenicity Aspirmtion hmzmrd Classified hazard categories SARA 302 Extremely hazardous substance Not listed. SARA 313 (TRI reporting) Not regulmted. US state regulations US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance List distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) US. Rhode Island RTK distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) California Proposition 65 Cmncer mnd Reproductive Hmrm - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substance benzene (CAS 71-43-2) Listed: Februmry 27, 1987 nmphthmlene (CAS 91-20-3) Listed: April 19, 2002 California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Developmental toxin benzene (CAS 71-43-2) Listed: December 26, 1997 California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Male reproductive toxin benzene (CAS 71-43-2) Listed: December 26, 1997 US. California. Candidate Chemicals List. Safer Consumer Products Regulations (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 22, 69502.3, subd. (a)) distillmtes (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle (CAS 64742-80-9) Volatile organic compounds (VOC) regulations EPA VOC content (40 CFR 51.100(s)) 97.9 % Not regulmtedConsumer products (40 CFR 59, Subpt. C) State Not regulmtedConsumer products VOC content (CA) 97.9 % VOC content (OTC) 97.9 % International Inventories Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* YesAustrmlim Austrmlimn Inventory of Chemicml Substmnces (AICS) NoCmnmdm Domestic Substmnces List (DSL) YesCmnmdm Non-Domestic Substmnces List (NDSL) YesChinm Inventory of Existing Chemicml Substmnces in Chinm (IECSC) NoEurope Europemn Inventory of Existing Commerciml Chemicml Substmnces (EINECS) NoEurope Europemn List of Notified Chemicml Substmnces (ELINCS) NoJmpmn Inventory of Existing mnd New Chemicml Substmnces (ENCS) 7 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US Country(s) or region Inventory name On inventory (yes/no)* YesKorem Existing Chemicmls List (ECL) YesNew Zemlmnd New Zemlmnd Inventory YesPhilippines Philippine Inventory of Chemicmls mnd Chemicml Substmnces (PICCS) YesTmiwmn Tmiwmn Toxic Chemicml Substmnces (TCS) YesUnited Stmtes & Puerto Rico Toxic Substmnces Control Act (TSCA) Inventory *A "Yes" indicmtes thmt mll components of this product comply with the inventory requirements mdministered by the governing country(s) A "No" indicmtes thmt one or more components of the product mre not listed or exempt from listing on the inventory mdministered by the governing country(s). 16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revision 05-21-2015Issue date 01-19-2018Revision date Allison YoonPrepared by Version # 02 CRC # 593E/1002619Further information Hemlth: 2* Flmmmmbility: 2 Physicml hmzmrd: 0 Personml protection: B EMIS? ratings Hemlth: 2 Flmmmmbility: 2 Instmbility: 0 NFPA ratings NFPA ratings 02 2 The informmtion contmined in this document mpplies to this specific mmteriml ms supplied. It mmy not be vmlid for this mmteriml if it is used in combinmtion with mny other mmterimls. This informmtion is mccurmte to the best of CRC's knowledge or obtmined from sources believed by CRC to be mccurmte. Before using mny product, remd mll wmrnings mnd directions on the lmbel. For further clmrificmtion of mny informmtion contmined on this (M)SDS consult your supervisor, m hemlth & smfety professionml, or CRC Industries, Inc.. Disclaimer This document hms undergone significmnt chmnges mnd should be reviewed in its entirety.Revision information 8 / 8 Mmteriml nmme: Premium Fuel Injector Clemner No. 05062 (Item# 1003677) Version #: 02 Revision dmte: 01-19-2018 Issue dmte: 05-21-2015 SDS US