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PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1 Manufacturer: The Blaster Corporation 8500 Sweet Valley Drive Valley View, Ohio 44125 (216) 901-5800 (216) 901-5801 fax 24 Hour emergency contact: Chemtrec (800) 424-9300 PWS Parts Washer Solvent03/09/12PWS128-PWS, 5-PWS, & 55-PWS Product Name:Revision Date:MSDS Number:Product Code: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS2 Hazardous Ingredients CAS # Percent Exposure Limits Light Hydrotreated Distillate 64742-47-8 >95% OSHA (PEL)- not established ACGIH (TLV)- not established HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION3 Eyes, skin, inhalation, ingestionRoute of Entry:Target Organs: Inhalation of spray mist may cause irritation to the respiratory tract.Inhalation: Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause mild irritation and possibly dermatitis.Skin Contact: Likely to cause immediate or delayed irritaion. Irritation will show as redness and/or swelling of theeyes.Eye Contact: Low degree of toxicity by ingestion. Aspiration Hazard! This material can enter lungs duringswallowing or vomiting and cause lung inflammation and damage.Ingestion: May aggravate pre-existing skin and respiratory disorders. Notice: Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. FIRST AID MEASURES4 Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.Continue to monitor. Get medical attention.Inhalation: Remove contaminated clothing immediately! Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation develops,seek medical attention.Skin Contact: PWS Parts Washer Solvent Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 03/09/12MSDS Number: PWS Page of1 6 MSDS The Blaster Corporation Flush eye(s) with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. If eye irritation persists, obtainmedical treatment.Eye Contact: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention or advice.Ingestion: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5 Flash point: 149 F (65 C) Cleveland Closed Cup?? Flammable properties: Combustible by OSHA criteria. NFPA Rating Fire = 2. Materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to relative high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur. Heat may cause the containers to explode. Runoff to sewer may cause fire or explosion hazard. Extinguishing media: Water fog. Foam. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Alcohol resistant foam. Powder. Dry chemicals. Unsuitable extinguishing media: Water. Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire. Specific hazards arising from the chemical: Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Protective equipment and precautions for firefighters: Firefighters must use standard protective equipment including flame retardant coat, helmet with face shield, gloves, rubber boots, and in enclosed spaces, SCBA. Structural firefighters protective clothing will only provide limited protection. Fire fighting equipment/instructions: In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Cool containers exposed to heat with water spray and remove container, if no risk is involved. For massive fire in cargo area, use unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles, if possible. If not, withdraw and let fire burn out. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6 In case of spill or release, avoid vapors and ignition sources. Use appropriate protective devices and absorbents. Stop and contain the discharge if it can be done safely. Keep out of drains and waterways. Handle with trained personnel only. Notify authorities as required by law. HANDLING AND STORAGE7 Use in accordance with good industrial workplace practices. Avoid unnecessary contact.Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with good ventalation.Handling Precautions: Keep containers tightly closed and in a cool well-ventilated place. Always store thismaterial in closed labeled containers. Store away from strong oxidizers.Storage Requirements: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8 Eye wash stations and emergency showers should be immediately available.Engineering Controls: Eyes and Face: Standard safety glasses with splash shields typically offer adequateprotection. Where excessive splashing or spraying is possible, a face shield should beused. Skin and clothing: Excessive contact should be avoided. Nitrile gloves, boots andaprons will provide adequate protection when contact cannot be avoided. Remove andwash any contaminated clothing immediately. Wash thoroughly after handling. Protective Equipment: PWS Parts Washer Solvent Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 03/09/12MSDS Number: PWS Page of2 6 MSDS The Blaster Corporation Respiratory: Good general ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels.Maintain airborne concentrations below OSHA established exposure limits listedbelow.Exposure limits for this material have not been established. However, tests on similar materials have demonstrated the following exposure limits: OSHA PEL: TWA 500ppm, 2000 mg/m3 ACGIH TLV: not established Exposure Guidelines/Other: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9 colorlessAppearance: liquidPhysical State: mild petroleumOdor: Not DeterminedpH: 0.62 torr @ 68?F, ASTMD2879Vapor Pressure: Not DeterminedVapor Density: 365 FBoiling Point: Not DeterminedFreezing/Melting Pt.: NegligibleSolubility: 0.8132Spec Grav./Density: Not Determined> 99.6 % EPA Method 24Not DeterminedNot DeterminedNot DeterminedNot DeterminedNot applicableNot applicableNot DeterminedNot DeterminedNot DeterminedNot Determined Heat Value:VOC:Evap. Rate:Bulk Density:Octanol:Molecular Weight:Particle Size:Softening Point:Viscosity:Percent Volatile:Sat. Vap. Concentrat.:Molecular Formula: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10 This product is stable.Stability: Not available.Conditions to avoid: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.Materials to avoid (incompatability): No hazardous decomposition products are known.Hazardous Decomposition products: Will not occur.Hazardous Polymerization: PWS Parts Washer Solvent Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 03/09/12MSDS Number: PWS Page of3 6 MSDS The Blaster Corporation TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11 Product Test Results DISTILLATES (PETROLEUM), HYDROTREATED LIGHT (64742-47-8) Acute Dermal LD50 Rabbit: > 2000 mg/kg Acute Inhalation LC50 Rat: > 5.2 mg/l 4 Hours Acute Oral LD50 Rat: > 5000 mg/kg Local effects Toxic by inhalation. Carcinogenicity This product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12 Ecotoxicological data Product Test Results LC50 Rainbow trout,donaldson trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): 2.9 mg/l 96 hours DISTILLATES (PETROLEUM), HYDROTREATED LIGHT (64742-47-8) * Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Ecotoxicity Contains a substance which causes risk of hazardous effects to the environment. Environmental effects An environmental hazard cannot be excluded in the event of unprofessional handling or disposal. Aquatic toxicity This material is not expected to be harmful to aquatic life. Persistence and degradability Not available. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13 Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Do not allow this material to drain intosewers/water supplies. This product, in its present state, when discarded or disposed of, is not a hazardous waste accordingto Federal regulations (40 CFR 261.4 (b)(4)). Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the user of the product to determine, atthe time of disposal, whether the product meets RCRA criteria for hazardous waste. Dispose in accordance with all applicableregulations. Container contents should be completely used and containers should be emptied prior todiscard. Container rinsate could be considered a RCRA hazardous waste and must bedisposed of with care and in full compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Largerempty containers, such as drums, should be returned to the distributor or to a drumreconditioner. To assure proper disposal of smaller empty containers, consult with state and local regulations and disposalauthorities. TRANSPORT INFORMATION14 Not regulated as a hazardous material. PWS Parts Washer Solvent Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 03/09/12MSDS Number: PWS Page of4 6 MSDS The Blaster Corporation REGULATORY INFORMATION15 CERCLA/SARA - Section 311/312 (Title III Hazard Categories) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - No Acute Health: No Chronic Health: No Fire Hazard: Yes Pressure Hazard: No Reactive Hazard: No CERCLA/SARA - Section 313 and 40 CFR 372: This material contains the following chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 313 and 40 CFR 372: --None Known- EPA (CERCLA) Reportable Quantity (in pounds): --None Known- CERCLA/SARA - Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances and TPQs (in pounds): This material contains the following chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 302 and 40 CFR 372: -- None Known - California Proposition 65: Warning: This material may contain the following chemicals which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and are subject to the requirements of California Proposition 65 (CA Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5): -- None Known -- Carcinogen Identification: This material has not been identified as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC, or OSHA. See Section 11 for carcinogenicity information of individual components, if any. TSCA Hazardous Component(s) subject to reporting on the TSCA List. US federal regulations: This product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 VOC Regulations: This product complies with the consumer product VOC limits of CARB, the US EPA and states adopting the OTC VOC rules. Consumer Product Safety Act General Conformity Certification: This product was evaluated by The Blaster Corporation, and is certified to be in compliance with the provisions of the Consumer Product Safety Act, the Federal Hazardous Substances Act and the Poison Prevention Packaging Act, as applicable. This product was manufactured at the location listed in Section 1 of this MSDS. The date of manufacture is stamped on the product container. PWS Parts Washer Solvent Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 03/09/12MSDS Number: PWS Page of5 6 MSDS The Blaster Corporation OTHER INFORMATION16 Manufacturer's Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the information containedherein is accurate. However, neither The Blaster Corporation nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist. HMIS Ratings Health: 2 Fire: 2 Reactivity 0 END OF MSDS DOCUMENT PWS Parts Washer Solvent Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 03/09/12MSDS Number: PWS Page of6 6 MSDS The Blaster Corporation