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PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1 Manufacturer: The Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc. 8500 Sweet Valley Drive Valley View, Ohio 44125 (216) 901-5800 (216) 901-5801 fax TDL - The Dry Lube 2/27/06 TDL - aerosol 16-TDL Product Name: Revision Date: MSDS Number: Product Code: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS2 !"#$%&'%"()*+ ,-)+.++++++++,/%0'1-2+3-0%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4%$15+ 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666+ 7789:;+++++<+"6=%>-"%+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<+?@8A+ B88CD:8++++<+4E2F(%($-G2HE$E%(/F2%"%++++++++++++++++++<+I78A+ 7C:;DB+++++<+,-$JE"+&'E>'&%+KL$EL%22-"(M++++++++++++++<+I;A+ HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION3 Eyes, skin, inhalation, ingestionRoute of Entry: Target Organs: Inhalation of spray mist likely to cause irritation to the respiratory tract. May cause headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting or narcosis in confined or poorly ventilated areas. Inhalation: Repeated or prolonged contact with skin may cause mild irritation and possibly dermatitis.Skin Contact: Likely to cause immediate or delayed irritaion. Irritation will show as redness and/or swelling of the eyes. Eye Contact: Ingestion may cause irritation to the mouth, esophagus and stomach. May cause abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness and headaches. Ingestion: May aggravate a pre-existing skin and respiratory disorders. Physical Hazard: Aerosol containers are pressurized (even when empty!) Do not expose to temperatures above 1200 F. Do not puncture or burn can. Failure to observe these precautions may result in rapid and violent decompression of the container producing projectiles and atomization of the liquid contents. Notice: Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents may be harmful or fatal. TDL - The Dry Lube Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 2/27/06MSDS Number: TDL - aerosol Page of1 5 MSDS The Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc. FIRST AID MEASURES4 Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Continuie to monitor. Get medical attention. Inhalation: Remove contaminated clothing immediately! Wash skin with soap and water. If irritation develops, seek medical attention. Skin Contact: Flush eye(s) with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. If eye irritation presists, obtain medical treatment. Eye Contact: If conscious, immediately give the person two large glasses of water. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5 Flash point: -15oF ASTM D-56 (TCC) Flammable Limits: Lower Explosion Limit: 1.2% Upper Explosion Limit: 7.7% Autoignition Temperature: 437oF Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide or foam is recommended. Water may be ineffective for extinguishment, but can be useful in minimizing or dispersing vapors, protecting personnel and cooling containers. If containers are not properly cooled they can rupture in the heat of a fire. Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for cooling purposes. Unusual Fire & Expolsion Hazards: Level 3 Aerosols - Contents Under Pressure! This material is extremely flammable and can be ignitied by heat, sparks, flames, or other sources of ignition (e.g. static electricity, pilot lights, mechanical/electric equipment, and electronic equipment such as cell phones, computers, calculators which have not been certified as intrinsically safe.) Vapors may travel considerable distances to a source of ignition where the can ignite, flash back or explode. May create vapor/air explosion indoors, in confined spaces, outdoors or in sewers. Vapors are heavier than air and can accumulate in low areas. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6 Keep all sources of ignition and heat away from the spill or release area. Leaking aerosol cans should be put into suitable container until the internal pressure has dissipated. Use suitable absorbents to collect liquid product. Consult regulations for the disposal of the container, liquid and absorbents. HANDLING AND STORAGE7 Use in accordance with good industrial workplace practices. Avoid unnecessary contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with good ventilation. Handling Precautions: Store in a dry place away from excessive heat. Store containers with lids on and properly labeled. Do not store at temperatures above 120 degrees F. Storage Requirements: TDL - The Dry Lube Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 2/27/06MSDS Number: TDL - aerosol Page of2 5 MSDS The Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8 Eye wash stations and emergency showers should be immediately available.Engineering Controls: Eyes and Face: Standard safety glasses with splash shields typically offer adequate protection. Where excessive splashing or spraying is possible, a face shield should be used. Do not wear contacts. Skin and clothing: Excessive contact should be avoided. Nitrile gloves, boots and aprons will provide adequate protection when contact cannot be avoided. Remove and wash any contaminated clothing immediately. Wash thoroughly after handling. Respiratory: Good general ventilation should be sufficient to control airborne levels. Maintain airborne concentrations below OSHA established exposure limits of ingredients in Section 2. Use NIOSH approved respirator if ventilation is not adequate enough to maintain levels below these limits. Protective Equipment: The Blaster Chemical Companies takes no responsibility for determining what measures are required for personal protection in any specific application. This information should be used with discretion. Exposure Guidelines/Other: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9 milky whiteAppearance: liquidPhysical State: strong aromaticOdor: Not DeterminedpH: 5.6 psi @ 110FVapor Pressure: ~3 (air=1)Vapor Density: 145 - 157 FBoiling Point: Not DeterminedFreezing/Melting Pt.: NilSolubility: 0.678 @ 60FSpec Grav./Density: Not Determined Not Determined 8.10 (nBuAc=1) Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Appicable Not Appicable Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Heat Value: VOC: Evap. Rate: Bulk Density: Octanol: Molecular Weight: Particle Size: Softening Point: Viscosity: Percent Volatile: Sat. Vap. Concentrat.: Molecular Formula: TDL - The Dry Lube Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 2/27/06MSDS Number: TDL - aerosol Page of3 5 MSDS The Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10 This product is stable.Stability: Avoid excessive heat, sources of ingition and excessive water.Conditions to avoid: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents and strong reducing agents (strong acids or bases.) Avoid mixture with water. Materials to avoid (incompatability): Combustion will product carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other oxides.Hazardous Decomposition products: Will not occur.Hazardous Polymerization: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11 Toxicological information on this product as a mixture has not been determined. See Section 15 for reportable ingredients. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12 Ecological information on this product as a mixture has not been determined. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13 Used or unused product should be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Some special regulations may exist for the disposal of aerosol containers. Empty containers may contain residual pressure and contents. They should be handled with the same precautions as the product. TRANSPORT INFORMATION14 Dept. of Transportation (DOT): This product, as it leaves Blaster's facilities, meets the definitions set forth in CFR 49 part 173.150c as a "consumer commodity." Allowing for certain exceptions (173.156) for domestic surface (ground) shipments. Proper shipping name: Consumer Commodity Hazard class: ORM-D International (IMDT-IATA): Proper shipping name: Aerosols, Limited Quantities Hazard class: 2 Flammable Compressed Gas UN Number: 1950 TDL - The Dry Lube Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 2/27/06MSDS Number: TDL - aerosol Page of4 5 MSDS The Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc. REGULATORY INFORMATION15 ,NO4N3P3Q+R+K,STR4PU,M+R+,NVPT+ 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666+ W"6=%>-"%+K7789:;+?@8AM+,PU,XSY+=S4Y+OSTTY+NT=SZS,Y+4SY+TSUS;7;Y+Q[S!U+ W4E2F(%($-G2HE$E%(/F2%"%+KB88CD:8+I78AM+4S+ W,-$JE"+&'E>'&%+KL$EL%22-"(M+K7C:;DB+I;AM+OSTTY+NT=SZS,Y+4SY+Q[S!U+ UP\]XSQNU^+_P^+VPT,U!4Q!N3T+ 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666+ ,PU,XS+`+THL%$GH"&+12%-"+HL+)HJ)(-"1%+ =S4+`+=-a-$&EH)+S'$+4E22H(-"()+ OSTT+`+OS+O-))-1/H)%(()+=-a-$&EH)+THJ)(-"1%)+X')(+ NT=SZS,+`+NT=S+ZE$bL2-1%+S'$+,E"(-0'"-"()+ 4S+`+4S+U'#/(6QE6_"Ec+X')(+EG+=-a-$&EH)+THJ)(-"1%)+ TSUS;7;+`+TSUS+;7;+Q'(2%+!!!+QE>'1+,/%0'1-2)+ Q[S!U+`+Q[+S'$+,E"(-0'"-"()+c'(/+=%-2(/+PGG%1()+T1$%%"'"#+X%d%2+ OTHER INFORMATION16 Manufacturer's Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither The Blaster Chemical Companies nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exists. HMIS Ratings Health: 2 Fire: 3 Reactivity 0 END OF MSDS DOCUMENT TDL - The Dry Lube Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date: 2/27/06MSDS Number: TDL - aerosol Page of5 5 MSDS The Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc.