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SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 1 / 14 SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Product code : VV612 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier : Valvoline Global Operations Address : 100 Valvoline Way Lexington, KY 40509 United States of America (USA) Telephone : 1-800-TEAMVAL (1-800-832-6825) E-mail address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Emergency telephone number : +1-800-VALVOLINE (+1-800-825-8654) SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION GHS classification in accordance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) Not a hazardous substance or mixture. GHS label elements Not a hazardous substance or mixture. Other hazards None known. SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substance / Mixture : Mixture Components Chemical name CAS-No. Concentration (% w/w) SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 2 / 14 DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 >= 0.5 - < 1 Actual concentration is withheld as a trade secret SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES General advice : Do not leave the victim unattended. If inhaled : If unconscious, place in recovery position and seek medical advice. If symptoms persist, call a physician. In case of eye contact : Remove contact lenses. Protect unharmed eye. If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist. If swallowed : Keep respiratory tract clear. Do not give milk or alcoholic beverages. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If symptoms persist, call a physician. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed : Suspected of causing cancer. No symptoms known or expected. Notes to physician : Treat symptomatically. No hazards which require special first aid measures. SECTION 5. FIREFIGHTING MEASURES Specific hazards during firefighting : Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water courses. Hazardous combustion products : carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide Further information : Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. This must not be discharged into drains. Fire residues and contaminated fire extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Special protective equipment for firefighters : Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary. SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 3 / 14 SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Environmental precautions : Prevent product from entering drains. If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up : Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal. SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Advice on protection against fire and explosion : Normal measures for preventive fire protection. Advice on safe handling : For personal protection see section 8. Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the application area. Conditions for safe storage : Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage. Electrical installations / working materials must comply with the technological safety standards. Materials to avoid : No materials to be especially mentioned. Further information on storage stability : No decomposition if stored and applied as directed. SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Components with workplace control parameters Components CAS-No. Value type (Form of exposure) Control parameters / Permissible concentration Basis DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 TWA 10 mg/m3 ACGIH TWA 10 mg/m3 NIOSH REL TWA 10 mg/m3 OSHA P0 Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection : No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. Eye protection : Safety glasses SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 4 / 14 Skin and body protection : Protective suit Hygiene measures : General industrial hygiene practice. SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance : gel Colour : light brown Odour : No data available Odour Threshold : No data available pH : No data available Melting point/freezing point : No data available Boiling point/boiling range : 640 ?F / 338 ?C Flash point : 491 ?F / 255 ?C Evaporation rate : No data available Flammability (solid, gas) : No data available Self-ignition : No data available Upper explosion limit / Upper flammability limit : No data available Lower explosion limit / Lower flammability limit : No data available Vapour pressure : not determined Relative vapour density : No data available Relative density : 0.95 (60.1 ?F / 15.6 ?C) Density : 0.898 g/cm3 (68 ?F / 20 ?C) SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 5 / 14 Solubility(ies) Water solubility : negligible Solubility in other solvents : No data available Partition coefficient: n- octanol/water : No data available Ignition temperature : > 599 ?F / > 315 ?C Decomposition temperature : No data available Viscosity Viscosity, dynamic : No data available Viscosity, kinematic : > 20.5 mm2/s (104 ?F / 40 ?C) Oxidizing properties : No data available SECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity : No decomposition if stored and applied as directed. Chemical stability : No decomposition if stored and applied as directed. Possibility of hazardous reactions : Stable under recommended storage conditions. No hazards to be specially mentioned. Conditions to avoid : None known. Incompatible materials : None known. Hazardous decomposition products : No hazardous decomposition products are known. SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity Not classified based on available information. Product: Acute oral toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate (Rat): 3,019 mg/kg Acute toxicity estimate: > 5,000 mg/kg Method: Calculation method Acute inhalation toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate: > 200 mg/l Exposure time: 4 h SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 6 / 14 Test atmosphere: vapour Method: Calculation method Acute dermal toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate (Rabbit): 169,492 mg/kg Acute toxicity estimate: > 5,000 mg/kg Method: Calculation method Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Acute oral toxicity : LD50 (Guinea pig): 300 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity : Assessment: The component/mixture is toxic after short term inhalation. Acute dermal toxicity : Assessment: The component/mixture is toxic after single contact with skin. Skin corrosion/irritation Not classified based on available information. Product: Assessment : No skin irritation Result : No skin irritation Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Result : Slight, transient irritation Serious eye damage/eye irritation Not classified based on available information. Product: Result : No eye irritation Assessment : No eye irritation Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Result : Irritating to eyes. SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 7 / 14 Respiratory or skin sensitisation Skin sensitisation Not classified based on available information. Respiratory sensitisation Not classified based on available information. Germ cell mutagenicity Not classified based on available information. Carcinogenicity Suspected of causing cancer. Product: Carcinogenicity - Assessment : Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. IARC Group 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 OSHA No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is on OSHA?s list of regulated carcinogens. NTP No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogen by NTP. Reproductive toxicity Not classified based on available information. STOT - single exposure Not classified based on available information. STOT - repeated exposure Not classified based on available information. Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Exposure routes : Ingestion Target Organs : Kidney, Liver Assessment : May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Aspiration toxicity Not classified based on available information. Product: No aspiration toxicity classification SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 8 / 14 Further information Product: Remarks : No data available SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity Product: Toxicity to fish : Remarks: Harmful to fish. Toxicity to fish (Chronic toxicity) : Remarks: Toxic effects on fish and plankton Ecotoxicology Assessment Acute aquatic toxicity : Acute aquatic toxicity Category 3; Harmful to aquatic life. Chronic aquatic toxicity : Chronic aquatic toxicity Category 3; Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates : EC50 (Daphnia magna (Water flea)): 0.27 - 0.36 mg/l Exposure time: 48 h Test Type: semi-static test Toxicity to algae/aquatic plants : EC50 (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (green algae)): Estimated 2.17 mg/l End point: Growth inhibition Exposure time: 72 h Method: OECD Test Guideline 201 NOEC (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (green algae)): Estimated 0.37 mg/l End point: Growth inhibition Exposure time: 72 h Method: OECD Test Guideline 201 Ecotoxicology Assessment Acute aquatic toxicity : Acute aquatic toxicity Category 1; Very toxic to aquatic life. Chronic aquatic toxicity : Chronic aquatic toxicity Category 1; Very toxic to aquatic life SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 9 / 14 with long lasting effects. Persistence and degradability Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Biodegradability : Result: Not readily biodegradable. Biodegradation: 26 % Exposure time: 28 d Method: OECD Test Guideline 301D Bioaccumulative potential Components: DIPHENYLAMINE: Bioaccumulation : Species: Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) Bioconcentration factor (BCF): 30 Exposure time: 32 d Concentration: 0.0437 mg/l Method: Flow through Mobility in soil No data available Other adverse effects Product: Ozone-Depletion Potential : Regulation: 40 CFR Protection of Environment; Part 82 Protection of Stratospheric Ozone - CAA Section 602 Class I Substances Remarks: This product neither contains, nor was manufactured with a Class I or Class II ODS as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 602 (40 CFR 82, Subpt. A, App.A + B). Additional ecological information : An environmental hazard cannot be excluded in the event of unprofessional handling or disposal. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. SECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal methods Waste from residues : The product should not be allowed to enter drains, water courses or the soil. SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 10 / 14 SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION International Regulations UNRTDG Not regulated as a dangerous good IATA-DGR Not regulated as a dangerous good IMDG-Code Not regulated as a dangerous good Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable for product as supplied. National Regulations 49 CFR Not regulated as a dangerous good Special precautions for user Not applicable Dangerous goods descriptions (if indicated above) may not reflect quantity, end-use or region-specific exceptions that can be applied. Consult shipping documents for descriptions that are specific to the shipment. SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION CERCLA Reportable Quantity This material does not contain any components with a CERCLA RQ. SARA 304 Extremely Hazardous Substances Reportable Quantity This material does not contain any components with a section 304 EHS RQ. SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances Threshold Planning Quantity This material does not contain any components with a section 302 EHS TPQ. SARA 311/312 Hazards : Carcinogenicity SARA 313 : This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313. Clean Air Act This product neither contains, nor was manufactured with a Class I or Class II ODS as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 602 (40 CFR 82, Subpt. A, App.A + B). SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 11 / 14 This product does not contain any hazardous air pollutants (HAP), as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 112 (40 CFR 61). This product does not contain any chemicals listed under the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 112(r) for Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130, Subpart F). This product does not contain any chemicals listed under the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 111 SOCMI Intermediate or Final VOC's (40 CFR 60.489). Clean Water Act This product does not contain any Hazardous Substances listed under the U.S. CleanWater Act, Section 311, Table 116.4A. This product does not contain any Hazardous Chemicals listed under the U.S. CleanWater Act, Section 311, Table 117.3. This product does not contain any toxic pollutants listed under the U.S. Clean Water Act Section 307 This product does not contain any priority pollutants related to the U.S. Clean Water Act US State Regulations Massachusetts Right To Know No components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act. Pennsylvania Right To Know PROPRIETARY SUBSTANCE OF GM MULTIPURPOSE GREASE - R0172170 Not Assigned Phosphorodithioic acid, mixed O,O-bis(iso-Bu and pentyl) esters, zinc salts 68457-79-4 DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 Maine Chemicals of High Concern DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 Vermont Chemicals of High Concern DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 Washington Chemicals of High Concern DIPHENYLAMINE 122-39-4 The components of this product are reported in the following inventories: TCSI : Not in compliance with the inventory TSCA : All substances listed as active on the TSCA inventory AIIC : Not in compliance with the inventory DSL : All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL ENCS : Not in compliance with the inventory ISHL : Not in compliance with the inventory KECI : Not in compliance with the inventory SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 12 / 14 PICCS : Not in compliance with the inventory IECSC : On the inventory, or in compliance with the inventory NZIoC : Not in compliance with the inventory TECI : Not in compliance with the inventory TSCA list No substances are subject to a Significant New Use Rule. No substances are subject to TSCA 12(b) export notification requirements. Inventories AIIC (Australia), DSL (Canada), IECSC (China), REACH (European Union), ENCS (Japan), ISHL (Japan), KECI (Korea), NZIoC (New Zealand), PICCS (Philippines), TCSI (Taiwan), TECI (Thailand), TSCA (USA) SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION Further information NFPA 704: HMIS? IV: HMIS? ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal hazards or risks, and 4 representing significant hazards or risks. The "*" represents a chronic hazard, while the "/" represents the absence of a chronic hazard. Full text of other abbreviations HEALTH 1 1 0 Flammability Instability Special hazard FLAMMABILITY PHYSICAL HAZARD * 1 1 0 Health SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 13 / 14 ACGIH : USA. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLV) NIOSH REL : USA. NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits OSHA P0 : USA. Table Z-1-A Limits for Air Contaminants (1989 vacated values) ACGIH / TWA : 8-hour, time-weighted average NIOSH REL / TWA : Time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour workweek OSHA P0 / TWA : 8-hour time weighted average AIIC - Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals; ASTM - American Society for the Testing of Materials; bw - Body weight; CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; CMR - Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant; DIN - Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation; DOT - Department of Transportation; DSL - Domestic Substances List (Canada); ECx - Concentration associated with x% response; EHS - Extremely Hazardous Substance; ELx - Loading rate associated with x% response; EmS - Emergency Schedule; ENCS - Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan); ErCx - Concentration associated with x% growth rate response; ERG - Emergency Response Guide; GHS - Globally Harmonized System; GLP - Good Laboratory Practice; HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; IATA - International Air Transport Association; IBC - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk; IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration; ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization; IECSC - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China; IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods; IMO - International Maritime Organization; ISHL - Industrial Safety and Health Law (Japan); ISO - International Organisation for Standardization; KECI - Korea Existing Chemicals Inventory; LC50 - Lethal Concentration to 50 % of a test population; LD50 - Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose); MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration; n.o.s. - Not Otherwise Specified; NFPA - National Fire Protection Association; NO(A)EC - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Concentration; NO(A)EL - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level; NOELR - No Observable Effect Loading Rate; NTP - National Toxicology Program; NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals; OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; OPPTS - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention; PBT - Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic substance; PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances; (Q)SAR - (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship; RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; RQ - Reportable Quantity; SADT - Self- Accelerating Decomposition Temperature; SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; SDS - Safety Data Sheet; TCSI - Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory; TECI - Thailand Existing Chemicals Inventory; TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act (United States); UN - United Nations; UNRTDG - United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; vPvB - Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative Revision Date : 06/13/2023 The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a SAFETY DATA SHEET Valvoline? Multi-Vehicle Multi-Purpose Red Grease Version: 2.0 Revision Date: 06/13/2023 Print Date: 06/21/2023 14 / 14 guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. US / EN Internal information : R0172170